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Monday, June 20, 2011

almost a MILLION HITS!!! Thank You so much!

GOld Coins Photo

I haven't blogged as much and have zero Gunpla updates the past month... thus hitting 900,000 hits today is a little bit extra special than my other hit count milestones. The continued support of my readers and friends even though I do not blog as much is very heart warming.

My humble free website has now reached almost a million hits and I do hope of hitting the million mark in the following months this year. I don't bother with hit counts as much as when I started blogging back in November 2009, however the continued support and readership is truly inspiring.

The numbers that matters most for me now are the 177 followers of my blog, the handful of comments in every post, the 1,165 members of our MAC Forums, the  771 likers of my Facebook page and the 888 likers of MAC Forums  at Facebook. All the friends I have accumulated throughout the few years of Gunpla and blogging has really been great and is definitely unmeasurable with hit counters and stats.

Almost a million THANK YOUs to all who visit my free site who has made this blog the top Gunpla and Arts and Crafts blog / site in the Philippines today. Your support has always been one of my source of inspiration. Thank you so much! Thanks as always for dropping by! Til' next post amigos! :)


Kamm said...

Love you Don.

We havent spoke in ages and i miss your face. Get your butt on skype somtime ok, maybe i can teach u somthing? haha im kidding. Genuinly miss ya!

DC23 said...

Hmmm, will try to skype bro but I am currently leaving at my dad's house... I need to get a pair of headphones with a mic so that they won't hear me and you guys. :)

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