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As usual, pardon for the selfies as I desperately try to get comfortable in front of the camera, for my new YouTube channel . Le...
The first Gunpla Builders World Cup has just been concluded in Australia , The Bandai announcement is now official ! BUT before we gea...
Clown image from Although I have been focused on promoting our forums and our members' contributions here in m...
Just finished my entry for the Ebasenet head display GB held at ZeroGunz. I chose to add a diorama / scene for the head as I originall...
I just had a great day hanging out with our friends from Singapore today. Yesterday ( actually August 27, 2011 ) we had our much ...
Once again, pardon for all the iPad Pro selfies, as I really need to get comfortable in front of the camera for my new Youtube channe...
Your hand painting with Vallejo Mecha Colors will be better if you use my custom MUG. lol, just kidding. Other than wanting an excuse...
click to enlarge to 1600 x 1000 The concept behind the Gilgamesh project is simple... " The Gilgamesh Project " i...
First off, I apologize for the selfies. I am trying really hard to get comfortable in front of the camera ( both photos and videos ) ...
I posted a comment in "Mechapinoy’s Official Response to DC23." I also posted it here cause I know they will just delete it there....
I think this post(Mechapinoy’s Official Response to DC23) is too much one-sided. The only reason you guys kept silent because you noticed that every time you stabbed DC23, he'd stab back. Seeing clearly that you are losing with every reply that DC23 posts, you decided to keep silent. It isn't DC23's fault if he is more creative and imaginative on how to handle your remarks. I know you'll just delete this reply I posted which only shows how one-sided this post(Mechapinoy’s Official Response to DC23) is.
It's just so sad to see a well established, 10 year-old organization flare up and gang up against one person who is just doing what he does best...... gunpla modeling. Admit it, even you guys(MP) learned a thing or two in DC23s tutorials. ciao!
MP is just in defense of their crybabies... who tried to fight FIRE with FIRE... but I guess could not handle it! Poor Org... pretty well established but with lots of insecure Filipinos. It's not MP as a whole, they just have a lot of crybabies.
kick DC23 in the face? (mind-boggling for me) you guys serious about this? (referring to: MP's response to DC23)
you guys are so gay i doubt you can even do what you've posted.
MP / Bike Tang, you guys being silent? you've got to be kiddin me. DC23 is just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
by the way, who the hell created bidyikomiks? dude, my 2 cents, you might want to consider culinary arts as your profession.
I do not know... the creator of the Bidyikomiks is hiding under a pen name? Obviously the bidyikomiks is NOT posted in MP's response to DC23. That is why I copied the images... it might be deleted some time soon.
Imagine the other stories how it was bent a little. ;)
Well, I hope Mike Tan would grow a spine and handle his own fights. Dragging other people in your feud against DC23 just shows how cowardice you are. Stand up and be a man and you might regain some self respect. Cause the way you handled this incident just shows how much a loser you are. Don't be a loser all your life. Try looking for a girlfriend, maybe it can help change your perspective in life.
Nah! do not stoop down to their level of name calling and personal attacks. This is just a hobby meant to be fun anyways. ;)
My deepest apologies.
Words do cut deeper than a knife, but you and I know well you need an ACTUAL knife to cut plastic...
No worries. just do not stoop down to personal attacks.
Agree... no further comments...this will be screen capped. ;)
Pathetic. That's the right word for their comic strip. Doesn't even have an ounce of humor or originality in it.
And its really funny how the guy who tried to fight fire with fire just got burned. hehehehehehe
And after all the fuzz of creating an Official response to DC23... you know why they call it " Official "???.... coz they will claim that the bidyikomiks is NOT official. Believe me, they will come up with something like, Mike Tan or the Bidyilantis are not acting in behalf of MP and that DC23 continues to mock the 10 year old organization and IPMS and BANKEE.
I was wrong in my previous post, my blog is 9 months old now.... so this is a 9 month old free blog versus a 10 year old organization??? Not really sure if I am against Michael Tan, Bidyikomiks creators, MP supporters or the official MP. Kinda confuse here?!? lol
I'd never thought I see the days where modelers are in a fight just because, well... JUST BECAUSE, but as for Mike Tang, well... There are others who are more greater than him, as far as I can say, but just the fact that it turn out to be like this, as we say in Brunei, Come on laahhh... small small matter mehh... when I took a peek at his blog.. *whistle* center of attention my foot...
MP's just one Forum in the sea of Forums bro. Let them swim in their little pool of MP you've got a sea to swim around anyways XD suportahan taka kabayan!
And this is why a hobby like this should be enjoyed, not be taken seriously. Buncha clowns, the lot em
LOL nakakatawa yung comics DC! XD
Nice move MP. As I can see know, the official reply you posted for DC23 just gave a lot of people the chance to voice how they feel about your organization. The way things are going now, DC23 will have more members in his blog than in your 10 year-old org. DC23 is right, who ever wants to join an organization that bans members and humiliates them as well. If you noticed, a lot of your banned members are here. I won't be surprised to see other members from your org shift to DC23. Who knows, maybe your little org may just dissolve in the background. So my advice to you people there in MP.... JOIN DC23 NOW! Before you get left out! By the way, your come backs, specially your very lame, humorless comics is not offending much less hurt someone. My 13 year old nephew can draw better! Haha!
MP is no more, yet they still claim they are the best... gunpla is meant to be fun not having to go through their approval ...
whoah! another episode from bidyikomiks! now im hooked. (roll-eyes)
i must say, that kid really knows how to tickle. LOL
Im beginning to delve into this issue just now, and I've never thought such shit like this does happen in such a community where the general mainstream were not into Gunpla as much as Japanese (that was until the spark of interest after Gundam Wing aired in 1999) be honest, I was an MP member once, but I've only visited the site last September and could only gawk at how awesome many kits Richie Ramos has. Hell I'm even a member of both MP and MAC in FB. It's kind of disgusting that a group with such a long history would stoop so low and think they're ABOVE show-me-your-completed-kit-and-try-looking-at-ours Above All.
i also been an old member Maangas Pinoy i mean MP, it is just i saw their huge discrimination to some of members there which is also my friends. i just want to learn more in building but i only found few. it is not good area for small time like me. but im not that sad because before the MP org i have already my gundam group and im proud to be one of them and they are freaking awesome. some of my friends are browsing that site for the for sale section only. hehehe
seriously, MP's rule are very O.A. bawal ang abbreviations. etc.... but yup they do think they are perfect, lahat pinasin pati paglalagay ng pic s website nila, anyways sir don, taas noo ako s iyo!!!!!!
WOW! I just got home from the office and this post has these much comments??? I mean I should stop doing Gunpla and just pick fights with organizations.
Seriously, I deeply appreciate your support guys, from the bottom of my heart...really! I will try to reply to all of you, I just have to spend time with my daughters first.
THANK YOU! I never thought I have these much supporters, specially in Facebook...I just know I have lots of visitors... THANK YOU so much!
you couldn't be farther from the truth with your interpretation LAH.
oh wait, it takes a lot more intelligence to digest SARCASM. yep that's it LAH.
when in rome, do as the romans does. or have you read your history lessons regarding this?
for someone who likes to do a lot of EDITING in his blog entries and his posts when he gets cornered, you sure have the guts to accuse the other side with all this hogwash.
man up to your words before you babble with all this nonesense.
Huh? Who's in Rome? Have you noticed? It's only you guys. This 9 month old blog has more members than the 10 year old Rome Organization. Haha!
yep, they're the dregs of the 10 year old organization. go ahead and hug yourselves together for comfort.
Maybe we should hug you instead. You're all alone in this thread. :(
haha! i think its you and MP were the ones hugging each other. or should i say.."doin each other"? LOL
hahaha, desiderata, I like a few of your the generalization and stuffs. I edit my posts coz I am a bad writer and anything I say is against them...have you seen the screen shots???
The last one is really funny, I have a LOL comment that was also captured. Its not hogwash man, Richie Ramos told me that Mike Tan was acting on his own, then when I did a comics against Mike Tan...MechaPinoy runs amock with old stories and drags other people into the fight.
At least I act on my own. Keep your facts straight my man.
btw, continue to post here... makes your ORG or the people who represent it look great.
It all boils down to responsibility.
Be responsible with your actions. Specially if you are a figure-head of a group or an org. Even if you say a thousand times and swore upon your mother's grave that you acted upon yourself, the people will always see you as that figure-head. They will always connect you with your group or org. Your actions are your group's actions. Thats how it is and thats how it always will be.
Sometimes the most important fights are the ones you avoid.
I hope everyone has learned their lesson by now. Be responsible.
Agree, fight your own fights ( Michael Tan )... do not be such a crybaby and ask for help when you cannot handle it anymore.
My personal lesson in this... never pick a fight with a weaker person, it will come back to you ten folds. That weak person will drag everyone in his fight coz he could not handle it on his own.
wow! desiderata, stop picking fights with my readers! You are such a class act. Syful is a regular reader ( not lurker ) of my free site and he is from Brunei. Not a Filipino... get it??? Just pick a fight with fellow Pinoys! that is how we are anyways, but NOT with my international readers.
You are even accusing them as trolls! hahaha... you are a troll for marching in my blog with your MechaPinoy sentiment and picking fights with my readers. Hey, most of them are not Pinoy. Good day.
im not into this pinoy gunpla modelers' infighting. DC23 you're right. Dont stoop down into their level, and just drop it. let's cut all this drama-- don't give their cause and concerns and bashing exposure etc. Things need not to be political...ever....fuck em... just concentrate on you sazabi and commissions and WIP stuff :) just ignore them MP guys. besides, you already have the upper hand...your blog rocks and will be more successful!
well i never imagine there will be this kind of cold war between gunpla modeler. well it happen in my local forum between TT hongli and bandai builder(actually it's between the sellers but affecting the builder also).
somehow i think they just jealous with your popularity,cold war is not good modelers should have fun with their kits not doing this useless cold war....
I am an MP member but not as active in the hobby anymore. I've met some members including the admins in fact, and they really aren't that bad, I mean they are a fun group though I can't say that for everybody because it is hard to feel welcome in a group sometimes, specially when I'm not that good at chit chat. That has always been my weak point so I don't mix well into the group as much as I would have liked.
Seeing grown men going at it is really pathetic. Let's face it, we all seek the attention of fellow modellers specially when we finish a good model. I guess what I am really trying to say is, this is really an attention and pride issue. You won BAKUC grand champion which I would definitely agree to because that was one of your bests so to speak. You also deserved the silver in my opinion because frankly the second piece you did didn't make a lot of sense to me. It was a good, just not good enough. You just have to swallow that freakin pill when you loose and do a better one next time. I have seen others lose in past competitions like in 2007 who I knew were deserving but they didn't have to be a pussy about it and whine.
But then I'd have to agree to an extent that MP does tend to protect their own, even when it is their mistake. They should at least show that they are not bias when it comes to defending the mistakes of even their admins. As a modeller Mike Tan and few others over at MP are at the top of the food chain cause they really are that good. It pisses me off sometimes when it seems that they pick winners who were previous champs to win in their compys even when quality of the build sucks. But recent contest judgings seem to have improved.
Bahh, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore. hehehe. Just wanted to share the bits and pieces going through my brain. I think both sides should really just kiss and make out! hehehe
Don is an amazing modeller, but so is Mike Tan. Sad to see something like his going on among Filipinos. I mean if you hate a guy or community that much just stop the flaming and shit, it really is pathetic. And for MP, they should set better examples as well. If they felt that you were being a knucklehead when it came to your number of views, they really didn't have to post those blogs. People should just really be a little bit more considerate I guess, and that is my opinion for both sides. Both sides should really just shut the fuck up already. But hey I guess this kind of shit does rack up views counts.
Make Love People.... Not War. Isn't that what Gundam stories keep telling us?
Well, I have to agree... kinda pathetic really for both sides. Frankly, the Bakuc 2009 incident is a laughing matter these days. I mean, I did not drag the name of the 2009 Champ here but we are good friends now. It is kinda funny to drag an old fight that I ended up getting a really good friend anyways. Good day bro. ;)
Well BWC is near and MP hasn't won a contest in a long time. Pwned at toycon 09 and 10 (By action figure customizers at that), Pwned at 09' bakuc. The only time they win nowadays is through their inhouse and BAC where they have a lot of connections.
Good luck don c and win for us
also teach them a lesson
dc23 was the 2008 champion! so since 2008...
Ahhh, the pains of having these posts here ( sarcastic )... Thanks for the support bro, but like funkmachine said, I've won in Bakuc since 2008. hihi :D
kanya pala hindi ko nagugustuhan ang MP grabe pala sila
NO comment bro... :)
thankfully I'm not an active member in MP anymore I didn't know they had an issue like this ..... :P
Thankfully I got BANNED. Not worth my precious time anyways. :)
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