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As usual, pardon for the selfies as I desperately try to get comfortable in front of the camera, for my new YouTube channel . Le...
The first Gunpla Builders World Cup has just been concluded in Australia , The Bandai announcement is now official ! BUT before we gea...
Clown image from Although I have been focused on promoting our forums and our members' contributions here in m...
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I just had a great day hanging out with our friends from Singapore today. Yesterday ( actually August 27, 2011 ) we had our much ...
Once again, pardon for all the iPad Pro selfies, as I really need to get comfortable in front of the camera for my new Youtube channe...
Your hand painting with Vallejo Mecha Colors will be better if you use my custom MUG. lol, just kidding. Other than wanting an excuse...
First off, I apologize for the selfies. I am trying really hard to get comfortable in front of the camera ( both photos and videos ) ...
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if you want this to stop, then you just have to shut your typing these blogs, it does not mean anything but it stops the discussions. you look guilty from your post, for me questioning a contest sponsored by entities means questioning the entities themselves, attacking "enemies" which defends a group from your initial action also means attacking the entity again, i think you made some "komiks" first to undermine someone (entity or person) and don't deny that you are pissed with MP of you losing a contest a few dates back and that instigated you to made such things, at the end i think you should apologize for what you did, it does not matter if YOU are hurt form losing none cares about that. this is a hobby not a source of living where you could die if you are not on top, and be satisfied on what you achieve. put your feet on the ground.
just asking... is it wrong to rant? and in your own blog for that matter?
well... I'm betting your just LYAO about it don. Leave them be... you didn't have anything to lose anyways... its just a free membership from some forum... just do what you've said before, "enjoy the hobby.." no matter what..
Don, I think it's time to let them be. Move on man. Look upon the horizon. The shift is at hand...
Dude.. those guys are really quite... shall I say little girls. One can't even voice their own thoughts in their own blog. If that is the case then Bidygirls blog should take off all their comics as well. You can't set a standard that you don't keep yourself. What a bunch of whinners.....
Don, I agree with above post...let them be..move on. No point fighting with kids...
Mechapinoys sucks anyway
well have to agree with Lustman...MP is not noob-friendly at siyempre hindi din para sa mas magaling sa kanila, dahil sa MP sila lang ang bida!
Huh? Pissed at MP for losing? You guys really think so highly of yourselves. Why in the world will he be pissed at MP for losing??? Was that an MP sponsored contest? Haha! Reality check, nobody even gives a damn about your org. Not here and definitely not internationally. The only reason people joined is because DC23 wasn't here yet. People back then had no choice. You guys, unfortunately are the only site in the Philippines that caters to Gunpla. They had to put up with all your nonsense. But now comes DC23. A big threat to your org... a gunpla site in the Philippines that doesn't humiliate and scrutinize noobies before being accepted. The only site where modelers share willingly to others their skills and knowledge. It's only a matter of time until your org loses all its credibility.
By the way, no offense, I was smiling a bit while reading your comment.... check your grammar. :)
"THEY" suck big time,they think they own the world of gunpla,they think they know everything,bunch of cry babies,faggots,they suck bigtime,airheads.they want to join noobs so they can tell them how they suck and they rule,MP is not a friendly environment,MP makes rules,but the rules doesn't include them if they make a mistake,be careful DC23,im sure he has a spy here,im so FU*KING SURE one of his minions is here.maybe one of your friends here is a spy from his AS* to check on you,
R U 1 of MP's "tuta"?or UR 1 of MP's IKIAAYDSSU
opps sorry txt speak!!!!!!!!sorry master,nyeahahahah!!!!!
gawa tayo sa facebook MP OUST!!! NYEAHAHAHA!!!!!
Gather your thoughts before you put it into words. You are generalizing the whole org and giving less respect to others who are actually civil throughout this matter. on behalf of other MP members, i would like to address this message to you. you have gone overboard with that statement of yours. not only that you've dissed other members, also disrespected other striving and growing modelers which so happen a member of that org. if you are an idiot and a lowlife imbecile, don't post such sympathy for it is less of a need. kumbaga "if you have nothing good to say, zip it" check your post if you are any better.
tama na yan.. we're digging our own graves if we stoop to the level.. leave them be... tama nga e di naman lahat sila ganyan... hayaan nyo nang ganyan kasi tayo din lang ang mapapahamak..let's just enjoy this hobby the way it is....
feud between MP/Bike Tang did not start on "komiks" dude.
research first, and read the threads…
hmmm.. "research first, and read the threads"... sounds familiar.. LOL
*feud between DC23 and MP/Bike Tang*
I deeply appreciate your support guys, from the bottom of my heart...really! I will try to reply to all of you, I just have to spend time with my daughters first.
THANK YOU! I never thought I have these much supporters, specially in Facebook...I just know I have lots of visitors... THANK YOU so much!
why the bitter tone JONIELLE? wait, could it possibly be because... oh right, you were banned from that forum because of promoting PIRATED KITS. ah, understandable, you were one of those KICKED OUT. just like this blog's owner.
sucks to be you dude, you probably didn't know how to blend in
it's not wrong to rant in one's blog, but you gotta be prepared to be ranted at too
pre.. hanggang dito ba naman?!! "Check your post.. Check your post..(mnye mnye mnye)"... look, some of us agree with you that this "generalization" suck, but what the hell... were just saying what we want regarding the issue... the thing is this didn't have to get this big if it wasn't for that guy from your end, made up some stoopid issue about a long time dormant shit incident which then revived it, then drag you all down with all the speculations when he didn't get any "violent" eff-ing reponse from DC23 regarding the matter! (whew! haba..)
....and, oh yeah.. MP don't suck... its just some of your people drag yourselves down...
...that's what most of us have been doing...
you know what.. you suck ass... its people like you who drag MP down.... Was that really fucking necessary? .... we all know it was a mistake for him to do that before, but to use that issue to mock him?!.. thats low dude... its like laughing with yourself when no one else laughed with you...
Tsk, tsk, tsk... I pity you guy...
You guys, put your selves on top, but you are really not.
Yup. Gundamu Kichigai is right. It's people like you desiderata that's dragging MP deeper down the hole. Stop defending MP. You're just making it worst. Man, this guy is hopeless.
another MP a-hole.. what a guy. should we wait for a "mechapinoy response to wildfireamigo"?? LOL
look at yourself. you might want to check your post, you are what you say, an idiot lowlife imbecile.
go cry to your mama. or should i say, the "org"..
you numbskulls don't get the point: an offender who was thrown because he broke the rules out does not have any effing right to wail back. now he is trying to get back on the ones who threw him out under the guise of "sympathy for the underdog" with a one liner post that does not even elaborate much and reeks of sour graping and vengefulness.
pfft. now THAT is pathetic.
P.S. phew, it's quite a chore to explain things to you people, was it that hard to understand?
jonielle is lucky getting kicked out of the MP! haha! if not, probably he's just another a-hole just like you and the org.
by the way, nice comment on jonielle. you really got it going. makes me wonder, you'd make a wonderful pet. a dog maybe. just a thought.
Just a thought, they ban some and just give warning to others. They bend the rules to their liking and not abiding by their own rules or in some other cases they create new ones which is not actually in the rules.
strong words from a fucking anon huh? i have so much doubt if u can say that in person. im trying to be subtle with my words as i could, but since im dealing with someone like you. "walang pinag aralan" as you may sound, guess its another matter to tackle. my post if you read it back is addressed to wildfireamigo for intently harassing and disrespecting other people. yan ba ang nakuha nyong aral sa bahay nyo? "Mamoru Oshi: "MP don't suck... its just some of your people drag yourselves down... " well, could be the case. the very reason why i raised a message in response to generalizing us. there are people who are civil with this matter and not deserving to be dissed and disrespected. as for you brave daelin. i presume that your lack of manners are evident in every post u make. you just proved yourself that you are what you are.
Is alright to rant, but just don't go to the blog's owner and ask him not to rant on his own blog. Thats like a girl telling a guy that "Your money is mine, and my money is mine too." Is like...what a bitch! (I apologize for my french) But I am just standing up for Don. I just don't like it when a bunch of self righteous whinners think they can gangbang a brother without a fight from all of us here.
This fella speaks the truth!
Desiderata = A Troll
first things first, i am not a MP member but a hobbyist that does not want to see crab mentality in the hobby, its not wrong to rant but there is a line that as grown ups we should take and like the owner of this blog said he has children, yeah reading more from your blogs substantiate that but how would you tell your child if your child told you one day that dad we had a contest and we have invited guest judges but someone challenged us from the results that turned out but it was a fair and square contest? i think calling names for insult purposes is only a child game, do you agree? i dare you guys to call my attention in LIL's trinoma during 15th or 30th each month as i stroll around and tell if I am MP to say such comments, ohh by the way dc23 i have read your post at IPMS Philippines since i am a lurker there, i think you are not banned there but the advice they give to you are from what i think is fair, to baek doo san yeah i am not ashamed of my grammar since i really am poor about it, ohh you guys really make a good band since you really think the same. "tuta" like you? tuta of DC23? in the end what you always want you don't always get.
Yeap, I am not banned there at IPMS, those are mature people in that forum. I just said I am practically banned after Richie Ramos reacted against my blog post and introduced me to IPMS...
even before I was accepted as a member there... now that is backstabbing. So I suggest bro, you keep the facts straight, I can't stop these guys with their comments and also MP loyalist's comments.
They started this mess as usual, by overreacting to defend Michael Tan. They dragged all of their partners ( IPMS and BANKEE ) in this fight to defend themselves. At least I do not drag my friends and name-drop people to defend my side. Such a class act. Good day
in that case, i agree with you.... "generalization" really sucks big time... sorry to those people who are civil and are not involved in the case.... this is not your conflict, nor it is ours (parepareho lang naman siguro tayong di involved sa actual na insidente e). Kung di nalang sana nag comment yung unang nag-comment e, di na sana humaba pa ito.. i really hate flame-baiters (hehe, it a term i got from the MP forums, and I am not mocking the forum by saying such)!
-its like what they say.." when the shit hits the fan, you either duck and cover or you'll end up a stinker"
Yo, you seem to have a high interest in DC23 (and takes his inequities quite personally). So is hard to believe you have no affiliation with MP or what have you.
Don is right, these folks that accuses / bashes him... they do hide behind some sort of anonmosity, so they may have for themselves tons of deniability, while poor Don just keep taking flaks from them. To these folks... be like Don... stand up and fight like a man. Don't be a kiddy and say things like "I am not from MP" or "I am just a lurker who just love to take things personally".... All trash talk & no guts (nor glory).
By the way... is not "crab"... is "crap". =)
Haha! You're the man Hammer!
who even cares if anyone's kicked out? That information was only between MP and its members, and should not be deemed public... you need not explain the case since it doesn't eff-ing matter!
Sympathy for the underdog you say? This community is a refuge for anyone who is into gunpla, no matter what race, creed, tastes and even financial capacity. It is not for sympathy but for loyalty, since no matter what they were, Noob or not, they were always welcome here.
...and as for sour graping and vengefulness is concerned, this is OUR community. This is OUR own backyard. It is our right to say about what we feel about any issue about the hobby WITHIN our community. It's like you're defecating on our front porch; so they had to bring out the shovel and fling it back to your eff-ing house. Why not rant about it in MP, or even that Bidyilante dude's blog.
your pathetic elementary comments are not welcome here...
P.S. Sorry, but it was really hard to understand you since your mouth is full o' crap..
Man.. most MP guys aren't like that at all. This guy ain't MP but an eff-ing Poser.... so don't mind him much since he doesn't speak for everyone at that forum...
haha! anon? cant come up with something better than that? "yan ba turo sayo ng nanay mo?" LOL too lame bro. you talk as if you have classsss.. another MP, with an ooozzzing personality.
-__- so all f this start because of a Gunpla contest...
You dont really get the point do you??? mamoru oshii agrees with me already and i think got my point. you on the other-hand is a true definition of the word IDIOT. Anon means anonymous, goes to show how intellectually incapable you are. you talk trash and will always talk trash because thats what you are. a TRASH! hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lol, do what bike tang does. What members do, reflect what the whole organization does. Specially if that person was moderator. cough* cough* (i think i heard it from a moderator himself). They kinda like public humiliation a lot so just they can feed their ego :))
It's not like everyone in MP are like that its just that moderators and admins have that characteristic which reflects the personality to the site. Oh no MP takes pride on it's image i wonder if BANKEE heres or knows about this event and know what they are doing. hmmm.
then know me i have posted that i could be seen in lil's trinoma on the 15th and 30th, and i don't consider giving yet a trash talk since its not in my culture, and to add its crab the one with the pincers i am telling all you shout for mp's blood why don't you all make a group of your own, try posting without "edit" in cronological order what happened dc23 if you don't want to be judged.
blend in? how can I blend in if they don't like newbies or who doesn't mod a kit?
I've posted a OOB WIP and then they make a new rule:
F*CK! I posted that to receive comments and suggestions to have some ideas on how to mod or paint, it's just like they thrown my work right back on my face!
Where's the support? where's camaraderie?
Just found this line in their site.
"Mechapinoy isn’t just about the organization; Mechapinoy is about being a barkada."
I think MP's ego would comes 1st. Their members however are a distant 2nd to none. I joined their forums to see what theyre really like and theyre not friendly with novices at all. How is that a community which have been around for 10 years have such a mindset like a tyrant is beyond me
I could actually meet you there... I get my supplies at Lil's and we usually eat lunch at the foodcourt. No worries, no need for bad blood between us. You do Gunpla? or scale models?
I agreed with MatX. I think you have already explained the situation enough and made your peace. The burden is not on you anymore, it's on him/them. If he/them choose to live with it, let he/them be. There are things that we just can't change and times when there are no easy solutions.
The pressure is no longer on you and it's time to move on.
Thank you Jacques, I have actually " officially " closed the door bro... and have sent my apologies to my readers and blog followers. I will never stoop down ever again. Thanks. :)
i do all, you could meet me there.
Yep, they always think that what they are doing is for the best without the consensus of the whole organizations. Anyway if you check out description of the org. It started with only a small group of friends, and those friends still stood on top until the end.
They always think they are the best but they are not.
I see, for this month, I could be at lil's every lunch time. It will be interesting to have a chat with you there.
Gundam is about teaching people about war, and questioning why people fight. Now modelers who enjoy this hobby are fighting between themselves over petty insults. Just stick with your friends and people you know and forums you are familiar with. If someone insults you for no good reason, just ignore them and know that you have the dignity to not fight back.
Agree, will never counter react when peope over reacts. :)
Sir DC just stick to what you do best, don't let the negative comments ruin your day!
Thanks bro, no worries... I take these kind of things as motivation to improve. hihi :)
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