The photo above is a Deathwing squad from Games Worshop Warhammer 40k, modeled and painted by Ron of FromTheWarp.blogspot.com. I spent a large part of my day yesterday reading on the how to's of miniature painting. Learned a lot from FromTheWarp so much thus I bought my first minis yesterday too!
So many informative tutorials all over the net, but I got hooked to Ron's well explained tips and tutorials the most. Ron also has so many inspiring finished projects. However I am not into Warhammer ( as of now ), so I bought a box of Games Workshop Lord of the Rings " Mordor Orcs " yesterday instead. I will post some updates later today if I have the time.
Should I be renaming this site from DC23mecharts to DC23miniarts or plastic arts? Maybe once I get to finish more minis eventually or maybe when my domain expires. One thing is for sure... my display cabinet will take ages to fill up with these mini plastic figures ( lol ).
I am not leaving Gunpla or Gundam plastic modeling yet ( or at least as of this writing ), but I am super excited on painting my first minis. As most of you know, I only like the hobby part of Gundam / Gunpla and have very little knowledge of the Gundam lore, Anime or Manga. Heck I do not watch the anime / cartoons at all to be honest.
However as I've said a few times before, I am a super geeky fan of the Lord of the Rings and anything Tolkien. I love the books ( even the ones edited by Christopher Tolkien ), I have the action figures, I have trading cards and I have watched the movies at least 4 times already... including the director's extended cut.
Thus it was an easy decision for me to choose between the boxes of Warhammer stuffs versus the boxes of Lord of the Rings minis yesterday. And unlike painting and modeling Gundam kits, painting and modeling Lord of the Rings minis is far much more exciting for me.
I cleaned my minis yeaterday and glued them on their small round plastic bases... and as I scrub each figure, flashes of images of the movies and excerpts from the books played in my mind ( lol ). Besides, painting miniatures would not cost me much unlike Gunpla. And I get to do super small bases which I loved the most, I could even do Minis Tirith and Helm's Deep ( castle ) dioramas if I like.
Great miniature stuff ahead guys!
I also added some great Warhammer and miniature blogs on my sidebar. Most of the sites I got from my best friend Kriz of KreativeMinds. Here are the list of the new blogsites in my sidebar...
- http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/
- http://saskminigamer.blogspot.com/
- http://www.belloflostsouls.net/
- http://armorfarm.blogspot.com/
- http://smellslikewargaming.blogspot.com/
- http://warpstoneflux.blogspot.com/
- http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/
Cool.... This site is a MUST concerning reference material bro
Thanks Bro! Will bookmark it man! :)
Seems like everyone is on the move to paint the mini~ including you too don. So, make sure to paint them superbly and nicely in order to poison others! HaHaHa
Hey Don did you see I made a Miniatur Painting tutorial just last week:)
Check out massivevoodoo.blogspot.com They've got a ton of mini tutorials and articles to help inspire your new hobby.
Thanks a ton guys!!!
@ Decay, yeah man, just checked... great stuff as always, just put up a separate post about it. :)
Hey, just came across your blog man! First off, thanks for adding Smells Like Wargaming to your blogroll! Loving what I see so far, I'm sure I'll be drawing inspiration from your stuff!
I think 'DC23 FigureArts' would suffice, seeing as they are both figurines in essence. But still, transition to Games Workshop miniatures? Seems a possible level-up factor in detail skills. Which is, in your case, one hell of a good bit.
Still, Gunpla or no Gunpla, you know we all got your back, buddy...
P.S. If... and that's a very big IF... you do ever diversify even into the WH40K miniatures, do tell us; avid fan of the large tanks of the series... especially the Baneblade variants... ^^
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