Monday, August 8, 2011

some numbers to our MAC forums anniversary party!

MAC party poster

Our MAC forums anniversary party is shaping up to be one of the biggest non-competition gathering of Gunpla modelers here in the Philippines today. With the help of co organizer Vanz Anazasi, a couple of sponsors and some friends flying from Singapore... organizing this huge event was so fun!

Originally planned as a simple gathering of Gunpla friends at my home... it is a delight to see some big numbers as we are only 19 days to our most anticipated event. So this post basically serves as a sum up of what we've come up and what to expect if you join us on the 27th of August.

So there, as I've said this is shaping up to be a really huge and fun event! Feel free to join us on this event and get a chance to win great prizes! and win great friends! LOL. Confirm attendance at our forums today! Here is the link guys...
Confirm attendance to our party HERE

P.S. The party is open to ALL, but only those who has confirmed attendance in the forums ( link above ) will be eligible for the raffles by GreattoysOnline and HOBBYmate.

Thanks as always for dropping by! Hope to meet you in our fast approaching party soon! :)


  1. put your autograph on the raffled gunpla :)

  2. Nah, maybe Izakku's and Toymaker's autographs would be better! :)
