Thursday, December 12, 2019

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

I am prepping a few small kits and some Privateer Press Warmahordes miniatures for painting for my new Youtube channel this coming weekend. 

I primed and painted this with my Harder & Steenbeck Silverline airbrush with Vallejo polyurethane primers and Vallejo Game Airs a couple of years ago. HERE is the priming blog post and HERE is the painting blog post. I have yet to do hand painting on these. The painting was all airbrushed ( thus the oversprays ).

Yes, a couple of years ago, as I have been really busy with commissioned illustration projects ( including this Trollbloods Poster I sold as art prints ). 

I also gave both a nice Vallejo gloss polyurethane varnish before putting them in a plastic box. 

Fast forward to today. I will be recording on video the rest of the painting process of this Trollbloods Gargantuans. I will exclusively paint these with Vallejo Mecha Colors tho ( and some Vallejo texture and effects paints for the base ). As much as I love my complete set of Vallejo Game Airs, my new Mecha Color set ( unboxing video at Youtube ) needs some love. 

Looking forward to sharing to you here and my Youtube channel the rest of the painting process of these two beautiful beasts! 

Stay tuned guys! Thanks a ton as always for dropping by! Cheers! 

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

Trollbloods Gargantuans in Progress photo

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