Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Khador Unit Kayazy Eliminators

Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

I felt I needed to practice before I paint the Gunpla pilots in front of the camera for my new Youtube channel. So I decided to finish this unit of Khador Kayazy Eliminators. Nothing to write home about, just table top level painting for these two.

I had fun painting the... errr... torso.

Made sure the chest parts pop out well. I might have overdone it a bit, but I like how the upper torso looks on the table. I made the details pop out a bit more with Mecha Color Pure White, mixed with Game Air Bone White. The red parts I highlighted with Model Color Orange Rust and Mecha Color Yellow.

I definitely need better set of brushes. I only have a no.1 workable brush atm. A 00 or even a 000 sable brush would help me highlight the finer details like the hair next time. Decided this is done tho. Will try to do better with better brushes next time. Besides, it could be that I am rusty, as it has been a while since I painted minis.

Lastly, due to my experience in illustrations, I rarely use blacks or dark greys in shading shadows. I usually use purple inks ( specially on my trollbloods ). Purple shadows looks good imho, even when a bit overdone. Much like in illustrations, deep purple shadows in model kits and minis, enhances the base color. Purple ( inks ) shadows even on the ground work looks better for me.

This was also a quick photography test. I need a third light source at the back. I thought 2 strong lights will do. Alas I need 3! Hee hee

Thats's it! I hope you like my tiny little Kayazy Eliminators.

Until next update guys! Just enjoy the hobby!


Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

Khador Kayazy Eliminators Units Photo

Shout Outs

I only paint my Gunpla, Miniatures and Action Figures with Vallejo Colors 

I get my tools only from HobbyMate Singapore 

I get my Vallejos and Miniatures only at Neutral Grounds 


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