Thursday, December 12, 2019

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

So I just got a couple of Vallejo Paint Stands today! A ton of thanks to Sir Freddie Tan and Neutral Grounds at Centris for the early Christmas Gifts! Video unboxing and assembly of these paint stands at my Youtube channel.

The Vallejo stocks, paints and hobby tools at Neutral Grounds Centris is crazy! It is the most complete range of Vallejo Paints I have ever seen. It was also my first time to see that Vallejo produces hobby tools like nippers, art knives, sanding blocks and the like. I will have to grab a few more Vallejo hobby tools there next time.

 I also got a few important supplies. A couple of Vallejo Red Sable brushes, Vallejo sanding sponge and the Vallejo Stencil blades ( which will be perfect for the part 2 of my Armor Trimming tutorial at Youtube ).

I've been looking for these all my life, I only had one Vallejo Wall Stand for 30 and 60ml bottles. I just could not get these locally! I almost resorted to some third party stands sold at online sites, but I was afraid of the quality, and they are expensive or same price as these Vallejo stands.

I only want Vallejo Stands. I do use some clear plastic lipstick stands tho. But you cannot fit 17ml Vallejo bottles in the lipstick stands. I have my paints turned upside down. Which is fine, as long as you shake them once in a while.

I have a ton of Vallejo paints, so I have a couple of shelves carpentered last year. But I do not like standing up during painting, and look for colors on the shelves. It ruins the momentum. These paint stands on my workbench is perfect! No more momentum changing standing up to get and find colors anymore.

Seriously, these paint stands will make me more efficient. Time is money, and standing up is a waste of money. LOL

The stands are modular. My video at Youtube should show more. My apologies as I failed to take more photos ( for the blog ) as I was so excited to set it up at the table.

The video recording should show even how I assembled this ( albeit I failed to press the record button during the assembly of one of the stands ).

Again, a ton of thanks to Sir Freddie Tan and Neutral Grounds Philippines for the early Christmas gifts! Woot! This is seriously painting life changing! Hahaha

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! Just enjoy the hobby!


Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

This blade is perfect for intricate cutting! Always be careful in handling blades!

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

Vallejo Paint Stand Unboxing Photo

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