Sunday, September 4, 2011

Toymaker versus DC23 face-off WIP - smurfs head

MG The O WIPPhoto

The putty work on this build is kinda slowing me down a bit and I need more light source in my work station for better WIP photos. Other than that, the build is going smoothly. I will be needing around 4 packs of Tamiya Epoxy putty ( quick type ) as I will still have to scratch build the huge front skirts, a round backpack and maybe replace the shoulders.

I have extended the waist and added 4mm ( a couple of 2mm stacked together ) and did lots of putty work on the boob and the head. Thanks to my tools, internal exposure modifications are so fast and easy now! I removed sections on the armor parts and boob part and also permanently glued the wires.

Although the head looks like a smurfs hat, I feel it looks closer to how Kobayashi envisions these kinds of mecha designs. I think I would be doing less pla plating on the armor parts, but will over detail the exposed internals instead. Again thanks a ton to Kenny ( Toymaker ) for his Kobayashi book.

Not really sure if I will work on this kit, the MG Zeta or snapfit the RG Aile Strike today, but I will have project updates of any of those builds soon. Here are a few snaps of this build so far...

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

MG The O WIPPhoto

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next update! :)


  1. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL! with the chest Extended its gonna look like Nightingale O_O"
    Can't wait to see who's the best ;D  GOOD LUCK DC23

  2.  that some huge chest piece DC! can i ask something where do you get those cable things you've use here? thanks

  3. Thats insane so far Don! great work bro. Love the design... never seen anything like it lol <3

  4. Yeah, a combination of The O and Nightingale will be interesting, painted with maybe red/yellow-orange desert scheme... I wish it's November already so that we can see the finished product of these build off. Good luck meisters!

  5. LOVE THE HEAD AND EXPOSED WIRES BRO!............LOL smurf head...HAHAHA
