Sunday, September 4, 2011

old Gundam WZC ad - What is your LEVEL of commitment?

Gundam WZC commercialposter

Shared to me a few days back by Ben ( Izakku81 ) at Facebook. You won't really know how to feel towards the commercial... It's both kinda cool yet kinda funny. I also did not understand the levels at first, but eventually realized that it talks about how many hours you spend on a model kit.

I spend like 4 hours per day on weekends normally. However with 2 months away from Gunpla Builders World Cup, I spend around 2 hours a day and 8 hours on weekends to try to finish my projects. I guess I am on the level 5 category. BTW here is the video Ben sent me...

So what level is your Gunpla commitment guys???

1 comment:

  1. about the levels - western versions of gunpla kits have a "dificulity level" printed on the box for example fg is level 1 hg is lvl 2, it depends on the number of parts, so basicaly they say how much time it took them to finish a kit, in the ad first guy did lvl 5 kit in 70 hours and the last one did lvl 5 in 10 hours wich should mean that the last guy is waaay better. :D
