Saturday, September 3, 2011

2 massive MECHA modeling competitions very soon!

Mecha Battle Photo

Although the champions of our EUROPE GUNPLA CUP is not yet announced as of this writing, I just want to share the excitement and the news that 2 massive online Mecha competitions are coming up real soon! Nope, I am not talking about the official Bandai Gunpla Builders Cup this coming months, but this ought to be as fun!

I will be judging one of those massive competitions and could not join both. But I hope to see more entries than our very successful EUGC contest, as both these competitions will be open to all participants anywhere in the world. Stay tuned guys as this promises more prizes and more fun than any online contest there could be.

Thanks for droping by! Til' next update on these competitions! :)


  1. Somtimes I wonder if you can keep a secret!? hahaha

    Your a rascal!

  2. BWAHAHAHA!!! I could if I need to... XD
