Friday, March 2, 2012

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

Took a few photos of my Madrak Ironhide as I needed to check if I am doing " okay " with the painting of the skin and the bronze armor parts. I thought I'd share my progress as well.

After seeing the the photos, I think the pink parts are too light colored and the armor parts needs more highlights. I am happy with that I managed to paint those tiny teeth and gums though and should be moving on to the other parts once I do a few touch ups.

Painting miniatures is not as easy as I thought it would... but I am having a blast and enjoying it so much. I should have not painted a very important character like Madrak for my first attempt... as I think I could improve more as I practice on more figures.

Anyways here are some progress photos of my Madrak Ironhide Trollbloods figure so far...

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo

WIP - Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide - skin & armor photo


  1. Very nice Don, looks very pro already. But I expect no less from a master like you:)

  2. Oh Thanks Decay, nothing like your Tyranids bro. :)

  3. Looking good so far "D", But may I make a critique?

    I feel that 2 shade's of blue blend in too much, It's kinda hard to tell (for my old eyes lol) where the skin and cloth separate.

    BUT...if you do decide to keep as is...maybe different levels of shading may help contrast the separation better...just my 2cnts brother.

  4. As I was looking and Thinking about this new works of yours... INSPIRATION HIT ME!
    (Why not seek the root of the very paints you are using?)

    BORIS VALLEJO WORKS...has been an inspiration for me since I was a kid..........LINK BELOW

  5. @ Kriz... wow there is a guy named after the paints!? Thanks man... this is finish, just spraying top dull coat. Airbrush is clogged though. lol
