Saturday, March 3, 2012

Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide by DC23

I just finished my first ever metal miniature from Privateer Press. This is a variant figure of a Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide. Madrak I believe is the chieftain of the Trollbloods thus I think it was a bad decision to paint him first, as I should have practiced on cheaper or less important characters first.

I am pretty happy with how it came out though as it looks way better in person than my close up ( blurry ) macro shots.

It was super fun painting this figure as it is packed with sooooo much details! I also got lucky I found a small rock that complimented the pose of the figure and gave Madrak a more chieftain / leader look. I learned a lot in painting miniatures with this one and I need to get a few more painting supplies. Mixing of paint to get the right colors is a waste as you tend to mix a lot. So will get more Vallejo paints soon!

I also think the the black oil washes kinda blurred some details and gave it too much contrast... will need to buy Citadel inks or more Vallejo washes in different colors. One problem though, although I enjoyed this figure so much... I do not have another one to paint. Will need to buy a couple of cheap Trollbloods as my practice figs soon.

  Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide versionDC23 photo



    That came out hella bad-azz bro! still looks like your signature style, but with a different subject matter.

    Really proud of you on this, AWESOME FINISH my brother.

    P.S.... the plaid design NAILS IT!

  2. Looks amazing Don!!! Love it!=)

  3. Looks amazing Don, I love how the colors all blend in and make it look realistic.

  4. @ Kriz... thanks man! dirty with lots of washes. lol

    The plaid on the cloth took a few hours of my life bro! hahaha

    @ Ray, thanks man... go try one, it's super fun! :)

    @ Decay, thanks man... will need to learn blending for the skin tones though. Thanks :)

  5. great painting skills as usual!
    would also like to try these minifigs but i don't know where to buy one, is there a shop here in makati?

  6. Thanks

    Warmachine/Hordes is only at Fortress Greenhills. :)

  7. Great job for your first mini. Ive been painting for 13 years and I don't think I paint that well. Really love the pattern for the kilt.

  8. @ Kuwajima, Thank you sir! Just bought more today! :)

  9. Looks really good, look forward to seeing more Trolls!
