Wednesday, February 22, 2012

HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press

HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo

As usual whenever I am excited about something... I blog about it... and I blog about it a lot!

I have been working with a commission work on a few modular pieces for a table top gaming table for the past few weekends. The modular pieces are for the miniature table top game WARMACHINE. Nope not the WarHammer miniatures... but WarMachine ( ala Iron Man sidekick ).

I have zero idea about the lore of Warhammer and any other table top miniatures, although I know that it has been around for a while now. Warhammer  is like " Colgate " of toothpaste and " Kodak " of photography ( for me at least ).

Much like Gunpla I am more into the " hobby " side of these figures, thus I judge them base on the designs of the characters.So honestly speaking, I find steam punk robots in WarMachine a bit more appealing than the Sci Fi look of WarHammer.

I have been into Gundam plastic modeling for 4 years now and I will be venturing into miniature painting as soon as this coming weekend. Will take a vacation from robots for now and I will be painting 24 pieces of Mordor Orcs from Games Workshop.

However, while I was researching about " WarMachine " stuff to understand my commission work deeper, I came across a separate line of characters from Privateer Press ( manufacturer of WarMachine ). And they are PERFECT!

As I've said, I love Fantasy and most specially Lord of the Rings Fantasy, I love steam punk ( as you can see with my old Gunpla projects ) and a combination of mechanical steam punk stuff and organic fantastical monsters is sooooooo perfect!!!

I present to you HORDES by Privateer Press!

I was about to get myself at least one of the cheapest Trollbloods figure today, but thought I need to practice on my Mordor Orcs this weekend first. There are 5 races / clans / groups in the world of Hordes and all of them are beautiful stuff! My fav of the 5 races are the Warbeasts of both SKORNE and TROLLBLOODS. Much like in Gunpla, I love those fat dudes with huge weapons!

I doubt I could pull off perfect paint jobs like the photos from the Privateer Press anytime in the next 5 years, but will surely try and will surely enjoy the experience! This is Fantasy and Monsters combined with Mechanical Steam Punk designs! Perfect stuff for me... perfect stuff!

They even have books!!! Man these stuffs brings out my geeky side so much more!
HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo
 HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo
 HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo
 HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo
 HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo
HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo

HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo

HORDES miniatures by Privateer Press photo


  1. is currently running a painting series for Trollblood Pyre Troll.

  2. Hordes is a really fun game. I still prefer Warmachine, for the simple fact its all about steam powered mecha.

  3. @ Wild Chevy, Thanks once again bro! appreciate it very much... will check it out! :)

    @ Anonymous, taking a break from Mecha for now... would love to try WarMachine some time though. :)
