Wednesday, February 22, 2012

28mm Rhino King painted by Roman aka JAR

28mm Rhino King painted by Roman aka JAR photo

 WOW! Just saw this today from Massive Voodoo and it made my jaw dropped to the ground.

Forget that this is a 28mm figure... the painting looks like it is at least 5 to 10 inches tall. Imagine packing that much details and color shifts on less than a few inches of 3D canvas! I wish I tried this miniature stuff earlier... great stuff but I need to get magnifying lens soon ( lol ).

The sculpt ( figure ) is by Allan Carrasco's Rhinotaure and was painted and modelled by Roman aka JAR to Rhino King. I can't work on my first miniatures until the weekend... However I could blog about my new interest everyday and try to poison other people.

This is out of this world stuff, Humanly impossible work from Roman aka Jar. Anyways details and a ton more photos of this stuff at Massive Voodoo, here is the link guys...

28mm Rhino King painted by Roman aka JAR


  1. i hate to ruin it for you bro, but the mini is in 28mm SCALE (wihc is the same as sapce marines) BUT it is quite bigger itself, here u have comparison shot

  2. @ Aulon, Oh you ruined it so much man! I had to edit my post... hehehe, just kidding. Thanks bro! :)

  3. I love the monkey business going on. Never seen this before.
