Monday, December 16, 2019

New Video Tutorial Page at the Blog

Video Tutorial Page Photo

I just checked my really old TUTORIAL page. And I realized that Photobucket is asking me to pay  to display my banners properly. According to Photobucket, this is due to the bandwidth thing ( blog traffic ) that the tutorial page is getting. 

I am too busy, too broke and too lazy to fix the banners now, so I just thought of creating a new page! 

The new page will be my Video Tutorial Page

My old tutorial page has been getting a fairly good amount of traffic ( visits ) even during my inactivity from 2015 to last month. I am really happy that those old WIPS have been visited by a handful and hopefully have been informative or inspiring to some. 

I am always fueled by the inspiration that I get from others and inspiration that I could give to others as well. This is the very reason I share my work in progresses too much. I even share my supposedly secret competition projects wayback.

 I cannot thank all the people enough, who continued to visit this old blog, even during my inactivity. 

This blog is slowly getting the normal traffic it was getting before. I am very happy to know that people ( specially serious Gunpla modelers and painters ) still love to read blogs. Blogs are not totally dead after all. I am very happy to have decided to keep this old blog going again.

Anyways, I have embedded my first 3 video tutorials in this post. I promise to do another and better ( with more close ups ) Armor trimming tutorial very soon. 

I should be filling this new video tutorial page faster than usual, as I work on my Gunpla and miniature projects. I will also create shorter video tutorials ( but are still informative ) soon. 

Old Gunpla friends know how fast I curn up not so well done Gunpla. LOL... But still I finish kits like hotcakes. Hahaha

Okay... I talked too much again. I hope you'll find the new page useful. 

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! Cheers! 


I only paint my Gunpla, Miniatures and Action Figures with Vallejos - Acrylicos Vallejo Website

I only use Harder & Steenbeck airbrush - Harder&Steenbeck Silverline Airbrush

I get my tools only from HobbyMate Singapore - HobbyMate at Facebook

I get my Vallejos and Miniatures only at Neutral Grounds - Neutral Grounds PH at Facebook

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