Monday, December 9, 2019

Let's Paint Some Gunpla Pilot Figures!

Painting Gunpla Pilot Figures photo

First off... This is the very reason why I wear black rubber gloves. I do not want the world wide web ( Optimus Prime voice ) to stare at my ugly little fingernails. LOL

I held a simple Pilot Painting competition at Instagram before. It was fun as I made a few talented Gunpla modelers to paint their pilot figures. I have to check where I saved the photo of the winning entry tho. I remember that all the entries were awesome. 

Follow me at Instagram ...

Use the hashtag #DC23mecharts and #DC23GunplaPilot if you are up for the challenge! 

I will send over ( worldwide ) simple gift/s to the best entry until January 30, 2020! Let's do this! 

While I wait for my new chisel set, and my new kits ( MGs, RGs and miniatures ) for the new Youtube channel, I thought of painting some Gunpla Pilot figures. 

I paint miniatures too ( albeit no where near Angel Giraldez levels ), but Gunpla pilot figures ( specially the 1/144 scale figures ) are insanely small.

I wiill need to clean up these plastic figures ( clean the mold lines ) and prime with Vallejo Mecha Color Primer, then will hand paint in front of the camera soon. 

Hand painting tiny figures in front of the camera is a first for me! Watch me as I struggle. LOL

As always, thanks a ton for dropping by guys! Until Next post!

Just enjoy the hobby! 


Painting Gunpla Pilot Figures photo

Painting Gunpla Pilot Figures photo

Painting Gunpla Pilot Figures photo

Painting Gunpla Pilot Figures photo

SHOUTOUT as usual!

I only use Vallejo Acrylic paints in all my builds - Acrylicos Vallejo

I get some of my tools from HOBBYMATE Singapore - HobbyMate at Facebook

And get my Vallejo paints from Neutral Grounds Philippines - Neutral Grounds Philippines

I only use Harder & Steenbeck for airbrushing - Harder & Steenbeck Airbrush

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