Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Blogging versus Facebook

Blogging versus Facebook Photo


Nahhhh! I just wanted to give this blog entry a cool title. Blogging versus Facebook sounds so thought provoking.

Seriously tho, I have been active here the past few days ( maybe a week ), and I am enjoying blogging again. Most, almost all of my fellow bloggers 10 years ago has moved on to Facebook. Obviously, forums are also dead. Facebook ( also twitter and Instagram ) are generally great for everyone. It  kinda gives a more accessible platform in comparison to the old forums. Social Media also feels more interactive ( or engaging ) than blogs and websites. 

Everyone is at Facebook these days. Everyone is at Twitter and Instagram too. 
Also, Youtube these days is bigger than Youtube years ago. Everyone watches Youtube. 
Do check out my new Youtube channel... Please subscribe even if my channel is still just filling up. 

Anyways, back to blogging...

I do interact at Facebook like everyone else. We've just started our art gallery / art studio of sorts, that we call Blue Brick. We also just launched the first 3 designs of our DC23 clothing. I have always been active at my old Facebook page ( they call it fan page way back ) DC23 mecharts, albeit I renamed it to Don Suratos ART last year. All of these are all at Facebook ( and IG and Twitter ). 

However, I am my most talkative self here at my blog. I feel like sharing everything here unlike anywhere else. I actually share too much here. This old blog... is like my public diary of sorts. 

This old blog used to get 100k visitors per month back in 2010 ( it is getting 5k per month during the past inactive 2 years ). I know that even if I become active in Gunpla / Gundam again, blog all of my updates and projects, post a gazillion tutorials here... page views here will never be the same. People like scrolling at Facebook or Twitter or Youtube or Instagram, than click links to a blog or website. 

Don't get me wrong, I love all of the Social Media platforms... these are just ramblings of a dude that is about to sleep. lol. 

Anyways, I fully embrace that blogging ( or at least my blog ) will never get the same traffic per month again. But I still really love blogging. Imho, Blogging feels more permanent. Facebook is too fast pace for me. I love to chill. I like chilling here. 

I love the "label" system, I love that all my posts are properly archived, and I love talking here a lot. 


Woot, I am sleepy now. Photo dumps here are all the photos I used to edit for the edit of my Youtube video intro. I also use this design as banner to my Twitter and Facebook accounts. 


Okay... I am really sleepy now. Thanks as always for wasting your time here! Until next update guys! 


SHOUTOUT as usual!

I only use Vallejo Acrylic paints in all my builds - Acrylicos Vallejo

I get some of my tools from HOBBYMATE Singapore - HobbyMate at Facebook

And get my Vallejo paints from Neutral Grounds Philippines - Neutral Grounds Philippines

I only use Harder & Steenbeck for airbrushing - Harder & Steenbeck Airbrush

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

Blogging versus Facebook Photo

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