Monday, June 22, 2015

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templates

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

As usual, I have shared photos of these 3 inch Blighted Blast templates at Facebook and Instagram ( don_suratos ) already. I like archiving my stuff here at my blog better though as finsing old posts are much easier than at Facebook. Plus I talk a bit more here. lol

This post is basically my usual " Weekend Dump " posts except I think that the templates makes for a more interesting post.

I did some quick cookie / burger looking templates the night before painting as it was made of wood glue and sand over a thin .5mm plastic sheet. I let the wood glue and sand cure overnight and painted over a nice coat of Vallejo Brown Earth texture paint. I then let the texture paint dry to touch under the heat of the sun for 2 hours before painting.

I was too lazy to bring out and set up my airbrush for this project and my son was bugging me to paint it quick so that he could play with these templates. These templates are basically my son's, as he has a Lylyth2 50pt army that he fields against my Cryx. My 8 year old son also loves fielding our Khador army ( but until he gets a Conquest or Victor ), he likes playing his Lylyth2 against my Cryx more often ( I hate eyeless sight ).

Obviously playing with an 8 year old that is very imaginative during battles makes me want to do more of these kinds of stuff. I want my son to continue to enjoy the game as I get an excuse ( from wife ) to get more army faster than usual. Our weekend visits to the miniature store ends up with either a faction book, a couple of solos, or even a unit sometimes ( with the approval of the mom ). So making templates that would make my son enjoy the game more ( win or lose ) is definitely a win win situation for the dad. hehe

We had a chance to use these templates with a couple of Cryx vs LOE last weekend. Not only did my son enjoy using them, he almost wiped out my Bane Tralls and Bile Tralls on my left flank. Dang! Did I say I hate Eyeless Sight already?

Anyways, I plan to create more fun looking templates in between commissioned works. I should be able to create some water and forest templates for tier bonuses and stuff as soon as I can.

I also finished painting a lot of commissioned works last weekend. I told the client I just need to let the paint ( Vallejo ) cure for a day before varnishes. Then I will take proper photos before sending to client. I want to give my client properly cured models with nice strong Vallejo varnishes ( gloss then matt / satin coat ).

Anyways, that is about it. More posts every after weekend as I cannot post as much as I want. Do check me out at Instagram and Facebook as I am mostly active there these days. Thanks as always for dropping by! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Custom Ravagore 3 inch Blighted Blast Templatesphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto

Warmahordes Weekend Dumpphoto