Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dump 051815

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

I was not too productive last weekend as me and my son played a lot of games. We just got the Warmachine PRIME MKII Rule Book ( at long last ) and enjoyed playing the games with an almost complete rule ( my son hates the terrain rules as he plays Khador ). We had to swap armies a couple of times ( Cryx vs Khador ) as he loves my stealth models.

Me and my son also got a few additional units and models for our Cryx and Khador army. I got a Necrotech and a unit of Scrap Thralls and my son got a unit of sexy Kayazy Elminators and a unit of Doomreavers. Obviously we only play assassination games, thus my son requests for assassination models. My son is also requesting for a full unit of Assault Kommandos to counter my Bile Tralls.

I did manage to squeeze time to work with the new models and some commissioned works.

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

As I am painting a ton of models ( commissioned works and personal army ), I thought I just mix some seldom used old Vallejo paints for the base color of the ground work. Vallejo says that all their paints can be mixed together so I gave it a try.

I used a Panzer Aces color mixed with a Game color Extra Opaque paint, thinned with Vallejo Airbrush Thinner. As expected if you know your medium well enough and is well accustomed to thinning Vallejo acrylics for airbrush use, it will work mighty fine! And it did! Great stuff as I saved my precious Vallejo Game Airs for painting the base color of the ground work of all the bases of the models in the photos below.

I was also able to do a bit of work on my Extreme Warp Wolf commissioned work and pretty happy with the dry-brushing results so far. A ton more updates and surprise Gunpla posts coming soon! Thanks as always for dropping by! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto