Monday, May 11, 2015

Alexia Ciannor and the Risen Mercernary Unit - Commissioned Work

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

 I just finished these Alexia Ciannor and the risen Mercenary Unit. These are commissioned works as usual with the website version as my guide for the colors. I tried to give the models a dirtier look with washes and they came out fairly okay. Here is the link to the Alexia Ciannor and the risen at Privateer Press website.

As it is obvious by now, I am not a fan of cork as basing material. I love how other painters make them look so nice and good, but I feel they are not strong enough after extensive game play. Cork base work should be awesome for display pieces definitely, but I am really afraid to use them for models for gaming.

Anyways the concept of the base and the whole unit is to try to make them look like they just came out of the ground. So I glued large pebbles around the models to make them look like so. The ground work are just aquarium sand glued and painted. Nothing special but I think I like the result. I could have painted more highlights on the models but spending even an hour per model is too much for a 24 piece unit!

All the models are darker and dirtier as usual as I painted numerous layers of washes over the models to make them look they came out of the ground. Fairly happy with the rusted looking metallics and very happy with the look of the bases.

I hope my client likes his Alexia and the risen as he gets them today! A ton more models to paint next weekend! Thanks as always for dropping by, Until next post guys! :)

I post a lot at Instagram these days... do follow me @DC23_mecharts if you like photo dumps everyday! Thanks! :)

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto