Monday, April 27, 2015

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo - Commissioned Work

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

After finishing a few commissioned works, I decided I need to practice my miniature painting this weekend. Last weekend was a bit unproductive ( painting-wise ) as my 8 year old son is getting crazier and nerdier with the game of Warmachine / Hordes. We played like 5 times a day last weekend. I also got my son a Trollbloods faction book that he brings anywhere he goes. My son also decided to add more units to our Trollbloods army as he plan to play Khador and Trollbloods exclusively.

Anyways, This Bloat Trall is from my own slowly growing Cryx army. I do not normally paint my own army as I am content playing with primed armies for the meantime. I have tons of commissioned works to attend to but as I've said I felt I needed to practice my hand painting before moving back to my commissioned works.

This Bloat Trall was painted with Vallejo Game Airs and seal with Vallejo Polyurethan Varnishes. I had a hard time achieving the pale dead skin seen at the Privateer Press website, but had fun painting this model nevertheless.

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

I still need to add a bit more highlights to the minimum unit of Bile Tralls before I deem them done. I enjoy fielding them against my son last weekend though. :)

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Below is a quick rust painting experiment that I painted for around 10 minutes. :b

Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo

Below are some of my Warmachine commissioned works I plan to work on this coming weekend. More painted models coming out of the next weekend as I plan to go berserk painting next week.

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)
Bloat Trall Cryx Solo verDC23photo