Monday, March 12, 2012

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

Just as I thought, it is kinda impossible for me to finish painting 10 Fennblades in 2 days. I managed to clean up the mold marks, paint the blue skin and paint the base color of the base though.

I thought I'd do some zenithal lighting and use my airbrush in painting the skin tone. The camera can't pick up the zenithal lighting effect as much as I wanted to, but it does work in person. Maybe I need to exaggerate the zenithal contrast next time.

I also thought of adding some red face war markings or paintings on 8 of the 10 Fennblades. I think it looks interesting as it gives the figures more character than just being plain blue. I am also adding some patterns on the back side of the skins as it kinda blends in with the growths on the shoulders. I really like my mottled skin effect, thus I am sticking to it for now. All Fennblades will have mottled skin soon!

Once I finish off the skin, will be moving on the armor and cloth parts. Anyways here are some progress photos so far...

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

WIP - Trollkin Fennblades - skin and base painting photo

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