Monday, March 19, 2012

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted ...

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted  photo

I managed to finished the base color of the armor parts of all the 10 Fennblades today and will finish the armor parts with light silver later. I am currently painting the base color of the orange cloth but I am getting tired as I am using some lousy Tamiya synthetic / nylon brushes.

I know that cheap synthetic brushes does not last long with acrylics as the acrylics being resin base and such, eats up the brushes and ruins them easily. Not really sure with my explanation on how synthetic brushes cannot withstand acrylics... but I do know I need a couple of expensive sable brushes soon.

Will be investing on new brushes after today ( waiting for payday ) and should paint faster by then. I am happy with the armor parts so far though. I painted them Bestial Brown, then over brushed with Boltgun Metal. I then gave them some black oil paint washes and added light silver highlights. Looks nice and contrasty I think.

The orange base color is taking me around 7 thin layers before it gets opaque... no wonder miniature painters do not use yellow and oranges as much. They are just too transparent! Kinda weird though as I find my Vallejo reds has better coverage than the orange and yellows ( might be normal ). The Vallejo blues are sooo easy to hand paint as they have great coverage.

Anyways I will also be painting a 3.5 inch Incredible Hulk soon... basically a commission work from an officemate. Once I get new brushes... should finish these Fennblades soon.

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted  photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted  photo

 WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted  photo

 WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades armor painted  photo


  1. Have you checked out this yet
    Its really good site for looking at the different factions.

  2. Looking great Don, and Yes you need sable brushes :)

  3. hi, do you know who manufactured the 3.5" hulk? i want one too, hahaha.

  4. @ Decay, Thanks Marc! Hard to paint with crappy synthetic brushes man! :(

    @ Ron, no sir... I think my officemate got it from a Toycon here in the Philippines sometime last year. No idea as I am not a superhero guy. :)
