Friday, March 23, 2012

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

The painting on the orange cloth parts marks my first time attempting " wet blending ".

Wet blending is basically a sort of advance technique in miniature painting when you blend different colors while they are still wet on the surface. I must say that I enjoyed it so much and I am excited to wet blend the skin of my next Trollbloods model.

After so many hours of reasearch, I now know the fundamentals of what makes a good painted miniature. unlike scale modeling wherein you try to achieve subtle color tones and achieve this mostly through washes. majority of the miniature gaming people like high contrast painting.

High contrast painting is basically making sure that you make the details of your minis pop out, by painting the highlights meticulously. I am enjoying every bit of it and will try to improve my wet blending and high contrast painting in every model.

Personally I think I am starting to get the hang of this miniature stuff and is learning a lot as I gain more experience. Loving how the orange cloth came out... notice how bland my first ever miniature in Madrak Ironhide is. So itchy to strip that Madrak and repaint it.

I am almost done with this project as I only need to paint the other details and add highlights and shading to the brown parts. Anyways here are some more photos of my still unfinished Fennblades...

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo

WIP - Trollbloods Fennblades almost done photo


  1. still in awe!!! great job dude!!!
    i'm considering to be a warmachine convert already, really love those khador warjacks. if only they were a bit cheaper in price LOL!

  2. Thanks! Warjacks and Warbeasts tends to be expensive. Love them though! :)
