Friday, March 9, 2012

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

Although my point and shoot Canon camera is old and crappy, I think taking photos of my " future " minis will be a lot cooler on a custom " diorama backdrop " than against a plain white background. So I thought I'd pick up my craft knife and shave something quick and interesting before painting my next few minis ( Fennblades Unit ).

I took various materials mostly styropor and aquarium sand and glued everything mindlessly, until I came up with something that resembles a Trollbloods mountain side gate of some sort.

I did this a couple of hours before going to work yesterday and now all the stuff are nice and dry ( even the thin paper mache ). I will be priming this before going to sleep so that I could paint it once I wake up later today. This is far from finish even after painting though as I will add more stuffs and details to it to make it look really complicated.

A complicated overly detailed backdrop for the minis won't look that complicated anyways, as macro shots will always blur the background at the back of the minis. One thing I learned from building a few dioramas for my Gundam kits is that you should paint the " base " structure before adding " painted " details. Coz once you've placed so much in your diorama, you will have a hard time reaching and painting very deep crevices and crowded areas. See my diorama here - The Graveyard verDC23

So stay tuned as this project should be quick as I want to paint my Fennblades already! :)

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

WIP - custom miniature backdrop for photography photo

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