Friday, March 16, 2012

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjacks photo list

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

As I build up my Trollbloods army and if my budget permits get to slowly build up a Cygnar or Protectorate of Menoth army, I think there will be a time I would want to paint something " yellow ". I always liked painting and weathering yellow robots! The Caterpillar yellow color just looks so awesome on these mechanical beasts.

I would not want to paint my whole ( future ) Cygnar army yellow, much more paint a Protectorate of Menoth yellow! So I just saw the perfect candidates for custom color schemes, heavy weathering and absurd paint jobs... I introduce to you the Warjacks of the Mercenaries!

The Mercenaries as their names suggest are in fact your usual mercenaries. They are homeless and are just paid hunch men. Anyone who could afford these killer people could have them on their side. Ruthless things that only speaks the money language. So I personally think being " color " less or badge less or country less... makes them the perfect candidates for personal custom color schemes!

Painting these guys yellow or even in rainbow colors does not matter I think... so unlike starting an army of the other Warmachine factions, these Mercenaries Warjacks could be your usual random buy.

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo

Warmachine MERCENARIES Warjack photo


  1. My first experience with WM was a commission to paint up some mercs. Rocinante was fun but it was a lot of gold.

  2. Cool! I think this are perfect for custom schemes! :)
