Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Trollkin Trollbloods eMadrak 50 point checklist

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

I am still working on my second unit as of this post and I just finished a Madrak Ironhide a couple of weeks back. So I thought of creating a rough check list to build around my current Madrak and Fennblades unit.

I have zero idea on the rules on how to play Hordes as of now, but I do not want to buy figures randomly. This list should guide me on what to buy next as I build up my first Trollkins army. It will take me a while to complete this list though as I want my army fully painted. So buying is only next to finished painting. I will try to speed up my painting though to complete this list as soon as I can ( hope wifey does not read this... she has not seen my 10 Fennblades yet ).

I am so itchy to get and try my hands on painting those little Pyg borrowers though or get the Longriders as I want to try my hand painting those Bisons. Too many to buy, too little time to paint and too broke to buy them all in one shot ( lol ).

This post was inspired from a thread by Pyg Master at Privateer Press forums ( where I spend most of my net time ).

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo

Trollkin Trollbloods Madrak 50 point checklist photo


  1. I found the best way to learn the game is to buy a Battle Box. I used that for a few weeks to learn the over all rules and the faction play style. I also gives you a heavy, and two light beast and a warlock which is a good starting point for a arm.

  2. Thanks Kuwajima! Maybe I should buy the battle box of Trollbloods and get a warmachine faction and play with my brother. :)
