Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

I just got meself some new Trollbloods models today and figured I'd each give them an " unboxing post ".

Obviously I am so into this new hobby of mine and this Janissa Stonetide is my 12th Trollbloods model to date. I have 10 Fennblades and 1 Madrak Ironhide before I got this mini.

As usual this is a metal miniature from Privateer Press and is a valuable addition to my Trollbloods army. Janissa Stonetide is a Trollblood Trollkin Runeshaper character solo. The sculpt is very beautiful as always and I am so excited to give this solo character a custom and elaborate rock base. Janissa Stonetide can control rocks around her... and I will make sure that my custom base will show her true powers!

Now here are a few photos of this sexy Trollkin in her bare metal!

As implacable as the stone she commands, runeshaper Janissa Stonetide batters the enemies of the trollbloods by turning the very earth they tread upon against them. At her command, walls of stone spring up to block an enemy advance, the ground rumbles and shifts beneath a foe’s feet, and boulders crash down from the heavens to crush the life from those who stand against the United Kriels.

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo

Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide unboxing photo