Saturday, March 10, 2012

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press photo

I always loved vignettes and dioramas and have made a few for Gunpla for the past 4 years. I am currently working on a small vignette as backdrop for my future painted Trollbloods and took inspiration from the Terrain gallery at Privateer Press. Lots of cool looking Terrain tables that brings more life to those beautifully painted miniatures.

Hope to finish mine in the next couple of weekends. I am far from having an army as of the moment, but hope to build or acquire one as soon as I can. I am currently cleaning up 10 Fennblades these days and should have 11 painted Trollbloods very soon.

 Anyways lots of inspiring Terrains at PP, do check them out!

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press photo

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press photo

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press photo

Miniature Terrain gallery at Privateer Press photo

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