Sunday, March 25, 2012

Janissa Stonetide in custom epic base by DC23

Janissa Stonetide in custom epic base done photo

I just finished painting my Janissa Stonetide with custom epic base.

This marks the first time that I attempted doing wet blending on the skin tone of my Trollbloods. I enjoyed painting the boob highlights very much and I think the blending on the blue skin went well. I also did a lot of edge highlighting and highlighting in general. My Tamiya 000 sized brush work well for this task. I also managed to paint the eyes successfully this time.

This was a quick one day job... not speed painting but not super slow painting either. I should be finishing my 10 Fennblades soon so that I could start work on my first Warbeast ( Dire Troll Blitzer ). This Janisaa Stonetide was painted with Vallejo acrylics, all custom mix as I have a limited number of paints only. Now here are a ton of photos of my second finished mini...


  1. you should update your tutorials and add some hand painting guides :) i still don't understand how you do your washes and how you make the crevices so dark.


    That is freaking awesome bro, you really nailed the painting on this.

    The leather and cloth areas really look great, UGH...just realized it has boobs..LOL

    Awesome work my brother!

  3. Your transition from mechas to minis has been outstanding.. and the lighter is a great reference.. damn, I know they are minis but I certainly have no idea how "mini" they are.

    Gotta admire and love the details on this one bro!

    More power!
