Sunday, February 19, 2012

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - painting

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

I managed to squeeze in a few hours this weekend and I finished painting a few pieces for my mini War Gaming table modular pieces ( commission work ).

I have yet to dry brush the terrain and have yet to weather the " ruin " pieces. As always I ran out of a few supplies again and could not finish the pieces you see in the photos. The two " watch towers " are almost done and should have been done if only I have super glue and black spray paint. The other pieces was painted with Vallejo paints as usual and will be sealed with future later.

I will then weather the pieces with enamel washes and some Vallejo paints tomorrow ( once the future has cured ) and seal them in flat coat to finish it up. For the meantime here are a few photos for my client to see...

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

 mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP photo


  1. LOOKING GOOD my friend, The blue really pops.

  2. Lemeguess Don, you got the mecha parts from some discarded Mecha Spawn fig?

  3. @ Kriz, thanks brother! Vallejo paints are just sooooo vibrant! :)

    @ Jonas, yes those are Spawn fig parts. :)

  4. Cant wait to see this weathered Don! Love it man.
