Monday, January 30, 2012

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

Just bought a few supplies this past weekend thus I was able to work on my WarMachine Gaming table commission. I bought some epoxy putty, some gel type super glues and some acrylic paints.

Pardon the inactivity here in my website though. My modeling mojo is not down at all, I am just focusing on my real work these days as I am aiming for something I want. Maybe once I get what I want at work, will have the peace of mind to do more Gunpla on weekends at the very least. Wish me luck guys!

Anyways, my objective for these modular pieces is to make them as playable, durable and eye catching as possible. So unlike super realistic groundwork ( real sand glued over the base which easily flakes off ), I made sure that the sand is well mixed with the glue and not sprinkled. The technique gives it a hard sand coating but is not as realistic looking. However this technique gives you a nice texture that does not flake off during game play. The painting of the pieces will also be more high contrasting and with bolder colors. Less realistic looking but will be more eye catching.

I used the Epoxy Putty to create the rock pavement across the two " HILL " pieces. I created a pattern out of scrap pla plates and pressed them over the wet putty. Looks okay after the base painting but I hope they look better after I add pigments and a few acrylic washes.

I also bought my biggest Acrylic paint ever! It's a ONE liter Chromacryl by Chroma. It's a yellow oxide which is the base color of all the modular pieces. I regret not getting the Vallejo half liter counterpart though, as I needed 3 thick coatings to achieve a solid base color. Unlike the Vallejos which only needs a coat for creating solid colors. However Chromacryl is half the price of Vallejos! A liter of Chromacryl costs ( 700 Php ) the same as half ( 500 ml ) liter of Vallejo.

Chromacryl was great though as it is slightly better than the cheaper Reeves and Liquitex acrylics.

I also managed to start work on the two " WATCH TOWER " pieces. I used old satay sticks to reduce cost. Should look like quickly put up wooden watch towers with metal sheets at the bottom for protection. Looking forward to showing you more updates soon.

The pieces below are not yet finish. I have yet to add a few details, some dry brushing and more painting on all the pieces. Hope my client likes them so far...

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

mini WAR GAMING table WIP - desert base color photo

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