Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DC23 and MechaPinoy at peace

This is just a quick response to what MechaPinoy founder Richie Ramos has just announced at MechaPinoy's website.

For those who has been friends with me since I started the hobby back in 2008, you guys pretty much know my personal history with MechaPinoy since 2009. I am a proud Filipino / Pinoy Gunpla modeler but  unfortunately I had conflicts  ( some silly ) with their group dating back December 2009.

I need not narrate the whole thing and I actually deleted ALL my rant posts pertaining to my past conflicts with their organization. I had a meeting with Richie Ramos a couple of Saturdays ago and it was actually my first time to talk with him in person. The lunch meeting was simply to try to put our past conflicts behind us and just try to promote the hobby.

Anyways I together with the support of the whole MAC forums community would try to work with  MechaPinoy to help strengthen the Gunpla community most specially here in the Philippines. I'll leave you with the link to their announcement at MechaPinoy's website...

P.S. To Richie, GMAC is the Facebook group page by Vanz Hilario... MAC ( without the G ) or Mech Arts Community ( Facebook ) is THE FORUMS. :)

EDIT:  My title is different than Richie / MechaPinoy's entry as I personally think that our community at MAC forums generally does not view MechaPinoy the same way as I view them before. So I am keeping our forums ( MAC ) out of the title at least as the 2 year feud was mostly between me, Richie Ramos and a few officers and veteran members of the 10 year old forums MechaPinoy.


  1. OOPS. Will modify the entry. It's one thing I admittedly did not figure out with your organization. Communication good! :)

  2. hehehe... no worries. It's more just me though, not MAC and MechaPinoy. :)

  3. I think it should extend to all. I had a heck of a time with my group, and if I can get them to go for peace, I think there is great hope all around. :)

    corrections made:

  4. kudos to both of you sirs! :D

    you should celebrate this with a build-off or sumthin :D

  5. Great news!

    Glad to know that you've patched things up. This new peace and unity will go a long way towards promoting the hobby.

    Merry Christmas to all!

    GM T

  6. Snoopa, I defer personally to Don's superior build skills. Am still getting back into the swing of things for kit building, and I can honestly say that it will take some time before we can cooperate for a build-off. Still, that's an interesting idea. :)

  7. Agree... a build off or joint contest or GB or anything... maybe even a cup of tea. lol


    Finally, the hatchet has been buried. Does this mean the MP site ban on you will be revoked as well, Don?

    To think that because of the bad blood I met another MP guy who bought a Dengeki Hobby Jan12 last night at GTO Makati and I didn't let know that I was more with MAC.

    Anyway, make it work and I hope some people over there would stop putting down noob builds by comparing it to their own uberbuilds. I know that's what turned off some builders from MP.

    Pasko na, and may peace reign...and with Christmas Toycon around the corner...

  9. Both groups remains to be different Jonas. Different people, different ways in running forums.

    We just hope for the best. ( Richie and I ) :)

    The Ban, I do not know, I have MAC forums to help run and lots of websites. I am very busy in the first place. :)

  10. Finally! Haha! Kudos Don and Richie! Let's all work together to build a great hobby community.

  11. Glad the first step of healing old wounds have started. After all we are a bunch of Filipino playing passionately with plastic robots..hehe CHEERS to both of you guys...- emonem

  12. Yeah... we are all Filipino Gunpla Geeks anyways. The 2 year feud was getting pointless. :)

  13. Jonas, Don's ban has been lifted as a matter of course with the peace talks.

    As for the concern with how the peace is seen by individual members from both sides, both Don and I are rather agreed that it will take time to cycle out all the bad vibes. It's probably impossible to erase all suspicion and distrust built over two years in just a few days - if anything, it will also take years.

    The important part, however, is that we have to start.

  14. Agree... We ( Richie and I ) are basically speaking for ourselves and not the communities behind us. But it will all end up well. It should. :)

  15. Where's the "LIKE" button!!! been a ghost in the gunpla community for a couple of months and a lot had happen... Merry Christmas to you Don and all the MAC/GMAC family.

  16. Merry Christmas to you my OLD friend ( lol ). Yeah... show off more builds next year bro. :)
