Friday, October 21, 2011

my daughter is joining Gunpla Builders World Cup!

SD Dendrobium photo

A couple of days ago I was talking to a Gunpla friend in the phone and I was bitchin' about the rules of the expert special OOTB category of the GBWC Philippines 2011. Me and my 3 kids were on a mall waiting for both a customer and my wife. When all of a sudden my eldest 8 year old daughter Nico asked me if she could join the contest for the first time this year.

She has painted ONE first grade Force Impulse Gundam before, and I am pretty sure she will do a little better this time around. She used some cheap Reeves acrylics on her first Gunpla, and I'll lend her some Vallejo paints for hand painting her entry this time.

I'll share to you our little conversation...

Nico: Dad could you get me a small Gundam? coz I want to join the contest this time.

me: Really? why? what kit ? what colors would you paint it? What's your concept?

Nico: I want to paint it Black and Orange and maybe hand paint some Hello Kitty faces.

me: Hmmm, it should have girly colors... black and orange does not really fit you. I have a damaged SD kit ( SD Dendrobium ) in the house. I'll show you later.

Nico: okay, I will paint it pink, white and red then and I want to paint Hello Kitty faces to the kit.

me: I have a kit with a vehicle, if you like you could add rust to the vehicle and make it look that the Gundam is repairing her car. I'll teach you how to add rust and damages.

Nico: No dad, I want the vehicle clean with Hello Kitty painting all over it. I want it white and clean parked in a Garden full of grass and small flowers.

me: So if you want it clean you should use spray cans at least for the vehicle and instead of painting the Hello Kitty faces to the kit, I will buy you some Hello Kitty stickers instead.

Nico: Okay, but I want to hand paint the Gundam.

me: Okay, I'll show you your kit when we get home, but are you joining to win or just to have fun? coz you will be up against 14 year old kids?

Nico: Just joining for fun dad.

Actually the conversation was a bit longer, but that is the gist. So my daughter wants her entry clean and not battle damaged or weathered. She also wants it hand painted but I will insist on the cans at least for the dendrobium. And she wants a diorama and she'll only join just for fun.

So after the conversation with my daughter, I thought I'd JOIN FOR FUN for the first time. Honestly as arrogant as it my sound, I always join to try to win. And my daughter made me realize that we could actually join for fun this time around. Besides my category does not allow dioramas and modifications, so it is just a fun category after all. Nothing serious about it.

Ironic though as my 8 year old daughter is going to compete with 14 year olds, me on the other hand is going to compete with 15 year olds which are more than half my age. lol

Anyways, see you at the Bandai event! Til' next post guys! :)


  1. cool.. I would love to see your Daughter's work on the Hello Kitty SD Dendrobium.

  2. It seems like your daughter is aiming for CLEAN BUILD kits :)

  3. AHHHHH Another hand painting assassin!? This means war DON!... lol. Its great your daughter wants to join the hobby with u ! And for fun! wow great news

  4. hey dad let your daughter be! leave it up to her imagination! :D

    bwahaha... and why do i have a feeling that your daughter would surpass my gunpla skills in no time
    :( (OOTB guy here)

    it must be so cool to have a dad like you. Good luck and have fun to you and nico :)
