Monday, September 19, 2011

ZAKU Group Build @ MAC forums!

MAC forums ZAKU GB Poster

As I have posted a few moons before... We now present you our ZAKU group build at MAC forums! The Group Build will run from December 1 2011 to May 31 2012. And any grade is allowed from 1/48 Mega size Zakus to FG or RG Zakus! Oh and this is not a battle for the cleanest Zaku build ever! lol

As we value creativity and originality at MAC forums so much, This Group Build much like our other GBs and previous competitions, is a friendly battle for the most well done build and also the most creative and original Zaku make over! So join in the discussions in the thread inside our forums, here is the link guys...

ZAKU Group Build discussion thread @ MAC forums

I now leave you with a video of the creator of this Group Build, Pawel Cynk aka AULON of Poland...

Thanks for dropping by! Hope to see those ZAKUS at our MAC forums soon! :)


  1. thx for blogging 'bout it Don!
    Hope it will be good :D 
    We alredy have some big names in it :D

  2. Great post Don! and great video by Aulon!


  3. Cool! You have my support bro! It will be good! :)

  4. Yeah great video! Will join this GB myself. :)
