Saturday, August 27, 2011

first PG, first RG, first Ma.K kit, all from PM, Hobbymate & HAG!

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

I just met the ( PM ) Poison Monkeys in Waylander, Izakku81 and Toymaker. I also met Edmund Teo the owner of HOBBYMATE earlier. I was with Kisapmata and we saw Waylander and Izakku waiting at the airport first, although honestly I did not have a face for Waylander that time and only knew Izakku from his past BAKUC photos. Then Waylander fetch Toymaker and Edmund after a while. It was a long 3 hours trip from the airport to their hotel... could not remove my grin during the whole time though.

Anyways, to cut a long travel and a long story in the long traffic short. I have here photos of the kits these insanely generous guys and Joyce of HOBBY ART GALLERY gave me! It was my 32nd Birthday a few days back, so they gave me my first Perfect Grade, my first Real Grade, my first Ma.K kit, a really cool Hyper Weapon Book by Makoto Kobayashi and a MG Zaku II. I so love this guys!

Kenny ( Toymaker ) told me I could give away the MG Zaku and the Ma.K kit as prizes for the party... hmmm, but that is the first Ma.K kit I've seen, so I am keeping the Ma.K kit to myself ( sorry guys ). We will be raffling the MG Zaku II to a lucky winner later in the party though. :)

I do not at all deserve this! But I have them... just glad to have those guys as friends!

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

The Real Grade ZAKU II was personally handed and given to me by my Gunpla hero Kenny Lim aka Toymaker at their hotel. Inside the RG box was a really cool book by illustrations of Makoto Kobayashi! Kenny's personal reference book when doing some Gunpla mods.

I got Kenny to sign both the book and the RG box for me. Needless to say this is my most priced possession to date! or should I say both the book and the RG Zaku kit with Kenny's autograph are priceless. During the party, I will have to ask Edmund Teo, Waylander, Izakku81 and Toymaker to autograph a MAC forums shirt for me. That shirt will be again another priceless collection.

The MAC forums anniversary party will be up in 12 hours! The party has not started yet, but I am already having bucket loads of tears of joy! seriously.

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

new Gunpla kits from Singapore Photo

Thank you Waylander, Izakku81, Toymaker and Edmund Teo! You guys are insane! :)


  1. Wow such great gifts. Thats a really nice gesture by Toymaker! Have a great time Don :)

  2. m(__)m awesome... can't wait to see them later.. :)

  3. Sure a Blast in the Mac Party Tonight... Sad thought, i live so many hundred miles away from manila...huhuhu...

  4. That is so cool! You got some awesome friends dude.

  5. Wow... so the mg zaku was given by toy maker !!!

  6. Awesome swag. that GEOVERKO seems like some mutated Nightingale and I remember you once saying that you'd like to have a MaK kit someday. That day has arrived. and MAC has definitely gone A LONG WAY, much more than that other group has. To have some foreign modelers come over was an added bonus.

  7. Nuff said... MAC forums does not even compare anymore period. Yeah these days was a dream come true. This hobby is just toooo good for me, met a lot of friends in my 3 years in the hobby. Just too good right now bro, just too good. :)

  8. By all of the POISON MONKEYS. Just got to love those monkeys man! :)

  9. Yeah! those guys are crazy! :)

  10. You know what? just seeing and meeting them is a gift already. These past few days are insane! :)
