Monday, August 22, 2011

BLOG renovations complete!

Blog renovations complete Photo

As I was working with my HTML code in my office a couple of days back, my blog sort of crashed! All of the widgets are in the wrong places and the post summaries suddenly does not work. I tried to revive the old template but failed to make a backup before tweaking it.

Anyways after the crash, I then decided to start from scratch with a new template. I opted to use a semi darker tone to the overall look and gave the main post a lighter background than the sidebar. The readers of this blog is now permanently on top of the layout and I added better widgets as well.

Notice the floating share buttons on the side? that is a new very cool looking widget that anyone could use to share my posts @ Facebook, Twitter and Stumbleupon. I have been doing minor tweaking since the crash and I could say now that the blog renovations is complete!

Aside from the totally new banner, layout, template and look. I also edited my pages on top of the blog. My gallery is now divided into three pages, first is my ordinary builds, then my contest builds and my commission builds. I also placed the mech arts community forums link and themacforums featured modelers on the tabs.

Although I have limited the number of pages on top of my blog, my old less popular pages are still on the sidebar. Namely my infamous Gunpla Skul comics, my profile page, my reviews, my features and my fellow mech artists page.

I hope you like the new look and the blog renovations? Hope you continue to drop by... Til' next post guys! :)

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