Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lincense to KILL for my Rottweiler Panzer soon!

my Rottweiler photo

It's my Rottie's second visit to the vet and I also did a lot of other stuffs today as we are extending the house and adding a new living room. We are also adding a 3 bedroom second floor to the house thus I am super non-Gunpla busy these days. More house space means more Gundam diorama space anyways.

Panzer's second visit to the vet is way cheaper this time as I do not have to buy all those expensive meds and vitamins. And Panzer is I think kinda used to traveling in the car and being handled by other people now. I am really happy to know that all of the lactose free milk and Eukanuba dog food he has gobbled up has paid dividends as he grew from 2.7 kilos to 4.2 kilos in 2 weeks!!!

1.5 kilos of weight in 2 weeks is relatively fast but the vet told me he is not overweight. So I guess all the morning and evening running with the dog has exercised him enough. I hope I loss the same amount of weight as I was running with him in the past couple of weeks though.

My Rottweiler Panzer also got his Pedigree papers today so I could now ask the Philippine Canine Club Inc. for a License to Kill for my Rottie. Yeap! a license to kill is license to protect me and my dog from law stuffs if ever he kills a stranger inside our house premises.... sounds cool yeah? hehehe

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

my Rottweiler photo

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next post! :)


  1.  I will be sure to not visit You... or at lest bring some dog food with me :P

  2. hehehe, oh his a cuddly innocent bear still at 2 months old. ;) 

  3. Awesome bro, make sure you scratch build him a really nice collar with spikes and rocket laucnhers.
    Then you really will have the perfect weapon, and the "license to kill" papers will cover it...haha
    he's a handsome fellow, and you already look thinner btw.

  4.  You are a true friend Kriz... IMO that is why you are telling me I am getting thinner. XD

  5. More house space means more space for Gundam? well, I guess you'll need a castle very soon bro, haha, just kidding :D
    Nice to see little Panzer growing up, he'll become a big ass monster very soon and will chew every bad guys landing on his master's territory, so yeah, he really need that license :D

  6. I remember the joke, 'my dog ate my homework'. You wont be posting 'my dog ate my 'gunpla'  anytime soon will you?

  7.  hahaha! Would love to afford a castle man! XD

    Yeap, hope he chews bad guys as thoroughly as possible... bones and all. :D
