Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MG Gundam WZC WIP - snapfit and seam line removal

I finally snap fitted my 2nd MG Gundam Wing Zero Custom last weekend. I first worked on this kit way back March 2008, I forgot how so many seam lines this kit has. Btw, this is my first MG Gundam WZC that I re weathered back in 2009.

This new kit will be our prototype for our collaboration with Halimaw sculptures in producing the 1/35 Gundam WZC. I will be co designing the kit, thus I will detail this MG to serve as a guide for the sculptors of H. I have been cracking my head for a couple of days now on how to do subtle mods on this, as we do not want too much changes on the beautiful Gundam WZC.

It took me one whole day to snapfit this as I was removing the seam lines as I build it. There are seam lines on the elbow and knee internals, foot internals, lower wing parts, all the white shoulder armor parts, across the head and the 2 rifles has seam lines as usual. I have not sanded off the fixed seam lines but here are some photos of the snap fitted kit so far...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next update! :)


  1. Hmm worth a try but would you by any chance have an extra V-fin for wing zero custom (pearl gloss one is fragile for according to other people) or a right hand for a wing ew mg kit such as deathscythe hell custom? I accidentally broke each of them (1st and 2nd gundam kits ever). I've been trying with bandai but they haven't responded, been more than a week. Email is, if you don't have any spares I don't mind, but worth a shot. Thnx and love your blog.

  2. Thanks, oh I don't have any V-Fin spares man... you could try and scratch build them with pla plates?

  3. O.o it's aight, I just started so idk how to scratch build with pla plates, I imagine you would need to soften the plastic with some heat then mold it but that's too advanced for me. I guess I'll just wait for bandai to reply to me, been two weeks with no reply and the situation there isn't making things any better.
