Monday, November 29, 2010

a green Sinanju with dragon armor?

Just an early morning breakfast thought I want to throw out here in my blog. I am highly inspired with Alphaleo's winning Kshatriya last night, plus I have 0 inspiration on how to tackle my MG Sinanju since I bought it.

My hands are full with a MG Zeta commish right now and I have to finish it by February 2011. Lots of ideas for my next personal project and what kit to play with for next year. We have seen a lot of great Sinanjus out there, Toymaker's and Matanglawin X's to name a few. But would really love to see a green Sinanju in Dragon armors.

I am thinking of a green iguana looking Sinanju with yellow ochre as secondary color ( to simulate the belly of green dragons ) with lots of pla plating to look like it has dragon armor scales. Lots of spikes and my fav mod of putting an overly large fin or fins would also be sweet.

I hope to see one from other modelers in the near future, not sure if I am capable of such a feat myself though. Anyways, just sharing a thought before breakfast. ;)

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next post! XD


  1. Slight change maybe to the black section though as in nature not much is true black. Maybe a brown or a grey?

  2. Agree, unless you are going for a sharp anime or clean look... black would look great I think. :)

  3. AHHH MAN!!! I love that color scheme. Do you mind if I use it? I have a 2nd Sinanju in my backlog.
    No mods for me though just OOB with slick paint as usual. LOL

  4. Sweet it will look like your Kshatriya, try using yellowish green like in the line art, it might look sweeter than the usual green. :D

  5. Great idea!
    This might help
    not sure if you've seen it already tho

  6. Yeah, I was thinking a lime green or yellow green like the image above.

  7. master don can i know what file did you used for changing the color scheme of your gn-x pics..thanks

  8. sorry for the wrong grammar..haha..i accidentally put d at the end of "use"

  9. Did you mean, What software??? I use Adobe Photoshop.

  10. Wah, no worries bro! I have poor grammar myself. LOL
