Monday, June 7, 2010

I started my BAKUC 2010 project last night! XD

Ello guys, I just want to share that I started my Bakuc 2010 project last night. For some really weird reason I was so excited on working on my Bakuc project yesterday... my wife even told me today that I was acting a bit weird and was moving and working on the dio on a frantic phase. She told me I look like I was trying to beat a deadline or something. hihi

I managed to finish the basic sections of the dio, scratch built the main portion with high impact plastic sheets ( HIPS ) and some cd cases, and also I was able to create the terrain with styropor and paper mache last night. The paper mache is still wet but I plan to brush in the usual sand + glue mixture over the Terrain areas later today.

The main objective of the diorama this time is to make it a ton less expensive and a ton simpler in comparison to my " The Graveyard " diorama. I learned my lesson through friends in the forums and researched a lot on dio making. The dio this time is focused on diverting the eyes of the audience towards the model kit. Unlike the " The Graveyard " diorama, wherein the dio is a lot better than the main kit itself ( MG Infinite Justice ) and the composition is a complete disarray, no focal point whatsoever.

As much as I want to share more photos of the diorama so far... I do not want to spoil the surprise, I am really sorry guys. I have yet to ship the White Glint, have yet to work with the PG MKII commish work and the 1/144 GN-X parts are already put on barbecue sticks for priming but will continue to work with this diorama sparingly and detail it up as I progress.

Thanks as always for the support guys! til' next post! ;D


  1. 6 month preparation for bakuc.. is just right...

  2. wow! kinda surprised to see you here bro! I will grind it out around September...but something came to me yesterday. Got really inspired or something. thanks for dropping by bro. XD

  3. wooo.. I smell something big XD... go go go!

  4. is big, maximum size limitation bro. 50 cm x 50 cm. hihi XD

  5. Since you already started, I'd expect that planning is already done so all I can say is, BEST OF LUCK BUDDY! That said, since you're entering a diorama, I do want to say that most of the failed diorama came to their demise because of composition rendering them completely unable to recreate a certain centario. One example is that entry for Dengeki Hobby competition that I'm sure you've seen already. If that was done with perspective in mind and oriented sideways, yes sideways, to create the viewer is looking at this scene from under the action, it might have been much better. Of course, the entire thing's a bit convoluted without any kind of transition from scene to scene, so that's also a very big downer.

    Just sayin'

  6. Thanks a ton for the support Speed! Yes I have been planning the build for a month now and I finally decided on what to build.

    Honestly, I find that my " The Graveyard " diorama falls under the same failed dio category...I focused too much on showing my detailing skills on a diorama thus overlooking at the whole composition. My dio lacks any focal point and is better without the MG Infinite Justice hovering on top.

    This time the plan is simple... to create a bigger but simpler diorama that would NOT overwhelm the main kit and even compliment it if I am successful. Again, thanks for the support bro. XD

  7. That was yours?! I was really impressed by the level of detail placed on the bottom half of the diorama, but like you said, it might have been better if that's all there was since IJ looked a bit out of place, and that pose didn't make much sense(at least to me). The base was very well done though and because of the size of the thing, it's perfect for photography like a few of your shots have shown.

    Hopefully this new one work out a bit better!

  8. Looks like you got a lot of work ahead of ya. I like how you intend for the kit to be the center focus rather than the dio, however I must say that your "graveyard" dio was amazing. I want to be able to do that someday.

    As for your entry into Bakuc... I really am wondering what kit(s) you have chosen for this grand event. Pls let us know soon. hihi

  9. Yes bro I have it at my gallery. Agree, the IJ is a bit out of place...I actually removed it oledi and displays the dio in my house without the IJ. This time it is a bit bigger but a lot simpler...the focus is the mech itself... learned my lesson bro. XD

  10. Yeah bro...will work on it sparingly coz I have to work with my PG MKII commission build first. Thanks bro...The Graveyard was a good experience but I kinda focused on it too much.

    The kit will be a secret until I reveal it around November. ;D ... Honestly played a giant role on my decision on which kit to make. wink wink. XD

  11. woah.. dio looks great and the mech is more menacing than any saz ive ever seen. ( i voted for the saz)...
    coincidentally im making an almost similar dio with yours (ofcourse yours is much better)... and also my entry will be a modified nu gundam! he he

    goodluck sir.. hope to see more updates of your entry..

  12. What did you use as the top/roof of the diorama and how did you get to stand so still? I've been want to do a hanger dio for a while but didn't think I could use so many things like cd cases as parts.

  13. I just used some High Impact Plastic sheets bro. ;)
