Thursday, June 10, 2010

BAKUC project update - glue + sand for the groundwork

Ello guys, I have yet to re pack the AC White Glint to make the shipping cheaper, I was able to putty up some seam lines on the 1/144 GN-X which showed through after priming, I have been busy setting up and inviting people to join the MECH ARTS community at facebook, my oldest daughter Nico got sick for the past couple of days and is a bit busy in the office too.

However, I managed to work with my Bakuc 2010 diorama. I added a few bridges around the dio towards the main part. I was also able to put the second layer of paper mache last night and have let it cured overnight. Lastly, I was able to apply my usual SAND + GLUE technique that I have been doing for a couple of years now for the groundwork.

The Sand + Glue stuff works like a charm for me, using real sand produces real ground textures and mixing it with glue and not sprinkling it over glue makes it ideal for clean up when the dio is finished. I mean, you can brush the dio without thinking that the sand will be removed from the surface ( unlike when sprinkled only ). Anyways here are a couple more pics...

Thanks for dropping by! sorry I could not show more pics as it with ruin the surprise by Bakuc. ;D

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