Thursday, May 20, 2010

bigger and wider layout at last!

At long last I have figured how to widen the layout of the new blogger designer templates! The HTML code of the new designer templates are a lot different than the old ones and it took me some time to figure out how to tweak the codes... I am not really sure if it is even called html, I think the new codes are called XML or something.

The problem with this wide layout is that I am not confident on how it would look like on an old 15 inch PC monitor? I work with a wide screen 15 inch Macbook pro at home and it fits the screen perfectly and I see my blog ( wink wink ) in the office in a 24 inch I hope the new wider layout works with small PC monitors as well.

Anyways, I am really happy with my new layout now...what do you think guys?


  1. You could minimise the size of the side panel and make the main panel larger, but then again what do I know? I'm don't even understand HTML an XML! LoL

    Looks great by the way, eeehhh... IO can't clearly see those gears background of yours

  2. @ Syful, thanks buddy! the main panel is the largest already...I mean the photos in them are the extra large option. I kinda like the new wider side shows off the people that are kind enough to follow my blog. hihi

    oh I am afraid those gears might look confusing if they are more visible. thanks for the suggestions man. ;)

  3. Oh.. nice.. i like new templates.. XD Im not trying the new template engine yet.. since im using custom template... but i think its nice... if I have chance to make new blog (for other purpose) I might try it..

    The grey backgound could be a lil bit lighter its pretty hard to see since the text is kinda dark grey.. ^^

  4. Thanks a ton for the input bro! I will make it lighter now! XD

  5. There...I made the background a bit lighter and made the text black...hope its better now. ;)

    I tried looking for some cool template like yours bro...I just can't get my existing pages to work with custom should try using the new designer template bro, it is a lot easier to use! though the HTML code looks a bit different and takes a while to get used to. ;D

  6. Ah... its a lot better now XD...

    yeah.. custom templates is kinda hard to work.. mine ive transfered almost everything (re-add and re-type) the gadget, whole lot work to do, but the result is pretty nice ^^.. I will ^^

  7. Your layout works & view fine on my 30 inch monitor (wink wink) LOL.

    Is been ages since I updated my layout, I should look into it. But I am afraid I would #%@$ up since I am no html/XML expert.

  8. @ Tsukinari, thanks! yeah...results of a custom template is always nicer...too much work for me though, will try it one of these days. ;)

    @ G.G., hahaha, nice! any site would look great in a 30 inch monitor bro...I had a 24 inch Imac, but have never worked with a 30 inch screen before.

    I am not a HTML junkie too...trial and error for 6 hours resulted to this.XD

  9. Good job. I like the bee hive pattern, it shown you are really a hardworking guy! :)

  10. Thanks Janus!!! hihi, hard working in Gunpla and blogging only. XD
