Friday, May 21, 2010

DISQUS! my new commenting platform! XD

I have read an article earlier today about how to improve the look and feel of your blog to make it more professional. First, remove the navbar on top - done, second is to customize your template - done, third is to apply a better commenting platform - just finished! and lastly buy a custom domain name - maybe in the future.

I have no qualms about the default commenting system of blogger, but pro bloggers always say it I finally hunted for a better commenting platform and simply googled " commenting platform for blogger " and I immediately found the first link on the result very is the link - 3 alternatives to Blogger's default system

The new DISQUS platform as mentioned in the link have great features like indented reply system, you can now put links and videos from you tube in the comments and so much more. I think the best feature is that you can even comment with your facebook account ( if your logged in in FB )!

I have also removed the word verification and I have also put the TOP and recent commenters widget on the sidebar. All new features in commenting in my site would hopefully encourage people to join in the discussion. See you guys soon! what do you think? ;D


  1. hm... this new comment platform is realy nice and clean.. ^^ maybe I should use this too :D

  2. Yeah, I highly recommend it bro! the Pro bloggers out there recommends it too. ;)

  3. Thanks for this info... am chking out this disqus for my blog as well :)
