Friday, April 23, 2010

Sinanju is winning in my Bakuc poll?!?

Ello guys, I checked my polldaddy account today to see the results of my Bakuc poll after almost a week of being posted. As of this writing, there are a total of 105 votes and three of which have answers that are not included in the poll. Actually the poll is fast becoming a two - kit race between the Sinanju and the Kshatriya.

I have photos of my Kshatriya snap fitted here in my blog already and I need to take photos of my Sinanju in ootb form. I always try to take photos of my snap fitted kits coz it is a good reference for my before and after comparison pics after I have finished modding and painting a build.

So far, there are 38 votes for the MG Sinanju and 31 votes for the hguc Kshatriya...the Kshatriya is slowly catching up on the Sinanju. The PG 00 Raiser on the other hand has 14 votes and the MG Sazabi and MG Dom has 11 and 8 votes respectively. MG Guntank, MG Gundam Nu and a Nightingle conversion from a MG Sazabi was also proposed in my polldaddy account...But I highly doubt I could pull off a Nightingale conversion though. hehe...anyways below is a Pie chart of the poll as of now...

Honestly I am overly surprised with the turn out of the poll so far...I really did not expect that  Sinanju is on top of the voting given that we have seen quite a number of Sinanjus for the past year already, Sinanjus in all sorts of colors from yellow to purple and a gazillion of red Sinanjus. I guess most are ootb so a few people want to see this kit bastardized by my pla plating. hehe.

Thanks for your votes guys and thanks as always for the support...I have a diorama in mind aleady and I am already doing some sketches on how to pull it off, given my limited skills in scratch building. Anyways, a big thanks for those who voted already, but to those who have not yet voted, please do...I will close the poll by July 1 coz I will officially work on the kit / dio by then. Thanks! ;)


  1. you know... you can make it into an iron man theme color... just add gold XD

  2. hehehe...nah, I want my color schemes as original as possible bro...I don't want to ride the popularity of other stuffs man. hihi ;)
