Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Luka's Strike E + IWSP weapons snapfit

Ello guys, I am lazy to do Gunpla last weekend and I ended up snap fitting my Luka's Strike E + IWSP, basically this is the kit that I got from winning the ZeroGunz Bakuc WIP challenge. I will still have to assemble both arms but I have here photos of the weapons.

I know that the kit is stacked with weapons, cannons over the shoulders and a huge shield with a gatling gun, but during snap fitting, I realized this mech has 5 guns, yes 5 guns excluding the cannons over the shoulders and the small gatling gun type on both sides of the head ( attached to the back pack also ). It even has 3 swords, 2 katana type ones mounted on the back pack and a large curved one that cannot be attached anywhere.

I do recommend this kit for the seed fans out there, coz you will simply enjoy interchanging the weapons for pose-ability fun. I have no plans as of now for this kit so basically this will just be displayed on my display cabinet once I have snap fitted both arms. BTW, the kit also came with a nice simple stand for you to be able to pose it in flight mode. I will be posting pictures of this kit later as soon as I finish assembling both arms. Anyways, here are some pics of the weapons...

The large sword and the two extra guns will just be kept and is a nice addition for kit bashing or simply to give other kits some extra weapons. The guns in particular is very nice, coz design wise it could be used with 00 kits. It has a nice and simple design with sharp edges and round cylinder parts that could compliment any 00 mech ( I think ).

Thanks for viewing! til' next post! ;)


  1. I have to say that this is truly a great kit, and very enjoyable to build and paint, Can't wait to see waht You will do with it buddy :)

    btw: did you get my email?

  2. @ Aulon, no immediate plans for this kit bro...yeap, just answered your email bro...sorry for not having an answer for your inquiry bro. ;)
