Thursday, January 7, 2010

1/20 Votoms Brutishdog WIP

Hello guys, I have a new personal project...I have snapfitted this kit exactly a year ago and it has been sitting in my display cabinet collecting dust. I have two commission works in the pipeline so this will just be a side project. I plan to do simple pla plating with this kit to make it look more " garage - looking " or simply a mech put together in a garage...making it more lowtech and industrial. Of course I will do a custom dio for this, but I am not yet decided on what scene I will produce for the kit. Anyways, here are some lousy pics I just took so that you could see the nice details of the kit...

The box art, I copied the pic from hobbywave coz my box is way below my stock of MG boxes, so I was lazy to pull that off the stack and take pictures...

and here is some pics of the kit...

Some opening armor gimmicks on  the calf armor, the cockpit and the head of the mech...

The main cocpit opens and reveals a nicely scuplted 1/20 figure of the pilot...

I swapped the head of the standing pilot with the sitting pilot...I figured that if I plan to do a diorama with the cockpit open...a pilot with a face will look a bit more interesting. SO, I simply swapped the heads.

I will work on this alongside my PG Zeta commission work and this build will serve as a practice build for my weathering on my other commission work, which is the AC " white glint ". Thanks for viewing! :)

PART II of this WIP is HERE:


  1. Wow! This model kit is my cup of tea! I like both the green and red version. If got money will buy 1 to play. :P
    Keep it up, bro. :)

  2. So how's the articulation, detailing, etc on the kit?
    I like the design but never got to buy one..

  3. @ Janus Lu, yeap...I love this kit...thanks bro! :)

    @ phantomgundam, articulation is as good as the new MGs, detailing is great and it's bigger than MGs. I highly recommend the kit to anyone. It's something different from Gundams...and is very nice...minus the bias, it's a bit better than most MGs out there. :)
