Thursday, December 31, 2009

MG acguy ver DC23 WIP part IV

Hello guys, I have been painting the Acguy since 9 am and I am stopping for a break...I am afraid my Tamiya compressor can't handle whole day painting sessions...which is in a way good...hehe, if you know what I mean. Anyways here are some pics...

I primed it last night actually, but only took the pictures this morning, I use Bosny grey primer for priming...

Paints I am using...some Tamiya acrylics, Tamiya acrylic thinner and an industrial grade denatured alcohol for cleaning the airbrush...

The original idea is to make an underwater camo pattern that looks kinda organic...i figured i could use blutack for masking the pattern. I then tested the technique on the table...

haha...that is not the original blutack shape in the first pic, I reapplied just for demo purposes...that is why it has a different shape.hehe. Anyways, it looks ok, actually it looks like your ordinary military camo pattern. I t does not look underwater camo to me. SO, I decided to try my hand for the first time on freehand airbrushing and alter the concept from an underwater camo pattern to an organic whale skin effect ( actually it looks like frog skin...hahaha )...Anyways it was fun but tedious and it looks ok...I hope...what do you think?

FIRST, prime the part...

Paint with a very light shade of blue...

Then, a darker shade for the whale skin camo...I did this freehand ( first time ) and I had lots of fun doing this...Honestly, this is my first time to enjoy airbrushing. I started with the bigger patterns down to the smaller ones...I mean paint all of the parts with big patterns, then paint all of the parts with the smaller that way, I think i was able to achieve consistency with the patterns ( I hope ).

And, here are more pics...the first pic was my first attempt...looks ok, but not as good as the head armors and the other parts...

I will continue painting, once I have posted this to Zero g and the other forums...hope my compressor is ok by then...Thanks for viewing!

UPDATE 01-01-10 : testfitting the painted parts...

Happy New year everyone! I just testfitted the parts to see how my color scheme blends together. I must say it looks cool. The whale skin pattern is not that evident in the pics, but i am afraid to add contrast to it...coz I might ruin it and make it look like a frog skin of some sort. hihi. After a mist coat of Future, it looks nice but still sandy when looked at up close...I will try to remedy the sandy texture by flooding it with more future. BUT, if that fails, the worst scenario is to end up in a matte coat. Anyways here are some pics...

Now, I am thinkiing of wet sanding this with 2000 grit sandpaper to try to eliminate the sandy texture...I an afraid I might ruin it. Anyways, the only thing left to do is to add the clear pla plates on the armore parts, decals and panel lines...wish me luck with sanding. Thanks for viewing! :)

QUICK UPDATE: 01-01-10

Hello guys, I have put the clear plastic over the collar armor and inside the looks good, save some minor scratches in the clear pla plate. Hopefully a layer of future will fill up those scratches. I did not put clear pla plate on the side body armors mainly because it is difficult, plus I think it's not worth it. not worth it coz, it kinda blurs the internals, i mean the internals are not much visible with clear pla plate due to reflection and such. Anyways the only thing left to do is to add decals. i made a minor scratch over the head armor when I tried to sand it with 2000 grit sandpaper, thus I will try to cover that with a huge number decal. hehe. Anyways here are a few pics...

Thank you guys for the support! HERE is the link of the completed MG Acguy...


  1. Wow! Your Acguy is way better than mine, can't wait to see the final form. Keep it up, bro. Happy new year! :)

  2. Sir,

    one stupid question. can i use tamiya acrylic for hand brush?

  3. You could bro, but it is difficult. It is easier to use enamel or lacquers for hand brushing. :)
